[hider=Serafina Ariel Gray][center][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/g7hgIV84CSvII/200.gif[/img][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/JfnKmV2BspPAA/200.gif[/img] [b][i][color=fff79a]“I've learned that we're all entitled to have our secrets.”[/color][/i][/b] –[b]Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Rbzld7NUaI]Wasting Away ~ Decyfer Down[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3-CLP5zxss]Supposed To Be ~ Icon For Hire[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGrM1sh-8pE] Dear Agony ~ Breaking Benjamin [/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2OD-dV7j_I] Mz. Hyde ~ Halestorm [/url] [hr][hr][/center] ►[color=fff79a][b]Full Name[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Serafina Ariel Gray[/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Nickname[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=fff79a][i]"Ariel. Nothing more, nothing less."[/i][/color] -Ariel is the girls most common nickname, though is actually what she goes by. It's pronounced R-E-L. -Sarah, a shortened version of her first name. She hates it, though has no idea why. -Kitten/Kitty: She strangely likes this one, as it was derived one day by her friends when she hissed at them and since then, they have pointed out how similar she is or isn't to a cat. [/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Birth Date[/b][/color]◄ [indent]August 13th, 1999[/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Age[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Seventeen.[/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Gender[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Female[/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Sexuality[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Bi-Demi. (Ariel is bisexual, but only has true feeling for people whom she has a emotional connection with.)[/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Single.[/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Sexually Active[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Nope.[/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Team Color[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=lightgray]Gray.[/color] [color=fff79a]*Gasps* "Now how ironic is that?"[/color][/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Years At Camp[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Two.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/I8Bg03HmnX3MY/200.gif[/img][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/rP9b66fIOrDfW/200.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] ►[color=fff79a][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=fff79a][i]"I'll stop wearing black when they come out with a darker color."[/i][/color] Ariels style is described as Grunge or borderline Emo. The young woman dresses selectively in all black the majority of the time, though will occasionally wear white or other dark colors. Skinny jeans are her favorite things for bottoms, though she can be found wearing shorts that are considered perhaps a little too short. Her hair is a dark brown, sometimes confused for black, and can be seen worn down or in a braid, perhaps in a ponytail when doing strenuous activities. Her bangs are what some may call choppy, and have no particular form, constantly swept to the left side of her face. Makeup is something that Ariel is not a stranger to. Of course she isn’t going to spend four hours on the task in the morning, but eyeliner is practically one of the girls best friends, along with her mascara. The young woman has a tattoo of an flying eagle in the middle of her lower arm.[/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Habits & Quirks[/b][/color]◄ [indent]-Doodling on anything and everything. -Listening to a song and immediately downloading it after. -Biting her lip at random times, just because she can. -Singing aloud when she doesn’t realize it. -[i][color=fff79a]"I curse like hell."[/color][/i] [/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Likes & Dislikes[/b][/color]◄ [indent][i][color=fff79a]"Music is my drug and your opinion was never asked, darling."[/color][/i] [color=c4df9b]Likes:[/color] ~Rock Music - Various bands such as Halestorm, Breaking Benjamin, Greenday, Icon For Hire, Mayday Parade, etc. ~Blogging - Ariel is a writer and has had her blog since the age of thirteen. As it turns out, people actually like it and she now has over 3k followers on the thing. ~Climbing anything. ~Youtube - Not only does the girl spend endless hours on the site, but she also has a youtube channel who people also like! 5k followers on this one. What can she say, she lives in a big city! ~Doing covers of her bands songs, which, of course, go on the youtube channel. ~Books - [color=fff79a][i]Someone take me to Barnes and Noble [b]pleeeaaasssee."[/b][/i][/color] ~Playing various instruments - Ariel plays the acoustic and electric guitar, piano and a little bit of the violin. ~Science - Biology, mainly, but also astronomy. ~Dancing - Ariel mixes ballet and pop dancing together. These videos well, you get the point. [color=ed1c24]Dislikes:[/color] ~Being told to act like a lady. ~People judging her based on appearance and/or music taste. ~People just simply assuming what she feels or is going to do next. [color=fff79a][i]"Like, I'm sorry, but you don't know me like that, 'kay?"[/i][/color] ~Bands like those of One Direction. ~Romance movies. Twilight is the worst. ~Hot drinks/Flat soda. ~Un-loyal people. ~Pink - The color and the Team. [color=fff79a][i]"Like... I will bite those people."[/i][/color] ~Crying in front of others - Ariel sees this as a sign of weakness and read somewhere once that it actually defies science. [/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Fears & Phobias[/b][/color]◄ [indent]-Not being able to see the stars. -Snakes -Crowds/New people. -People finding out about her depression.[/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Good Personality Traits[/b][/color]◄ [indent]~Feisty ~Goofy ~Brave ~Not angered easily.[/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Bad Personality Traits[/b][/color]◄ [indent]~Sarcastic ~Has the tendency to say random, violent things. ~Socially awkward as freak. ~Random as heck. [/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Personality[/b][/color]◄ [color=fff79a][i]"I've been called a comical bitch and violently funny, so that counts for something."[/i][/color] [indent]On the outside looking in, Ariel is one of the most happy, socially awkward people that you could ever meet. Always saying something goofy, and having a way with words, the girl is the type to almost always have a smile on her face and is not quick to get angered. Having slight social anxiety is perhaps the reason for her social awkwardness, which causes her to say really random things. Ariel is the type of girl that may come off as a bitch, but she's the blunt kind of girl that when she says something mean, it's funny. Some may say that the girl is violent, with her outbursts of random, crazy, violent sayings but she probably won't choke you with a marshmellow. However, that's the coverup that she puts on. The truth is, Serafina suffers from depression. The girl tends to keep her emotions bottled inside and simply do her best to release them through her blogs,videos,and music. She simply don't take any medication for it because she is to ashamed to talk about it, causing her to put on an act. Being socially awkward, it is hard for Ariel to express herself unless she is behind a screen, and, in fact, is shy when it comes to meeting new people. Of course, you may think how is she brave with all of this going on inside of her, but she's brave in a different way than you think. Ariel is brave enough to face the day starting out with a positive attitude no matter how bad she knows it's going to be. The young woman hates drama, gossip, and any other thing of the sort. She can typically be seen hanging out with the guys at school, because she considers females to much drama. Of course, if you ask her how she is doing, you will receive a great and a goof thumbs up. Not being able to express herself truthfully angers her to no end, though, just like her true feelings, she doesn't let it show. In short, the girl is a half read book. To know her, you must first know the whole story. [/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/6bUqxDcDJFcf6/200.gif[/img][img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/JI3NZsTmVV38Y/200.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] ►[color=fff79a][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Decatur, Illinois. [/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Background[/b][/color]◄ [indent][i][color=fff79a]"Momma please forgive me, for Daddy says it's all my fault."[/color][/i] Serafina Ariel Gray was born in a city located in Illinois to the parents known as Marianna and Trillian Gray. Marriana was a surgeon and Trillian was, and is, a respectable member of the community, and one of the best lawyers around. However, just like with Ariel, that is not the true story about the man. Marianna thought that the man was great, they married just two years before their daughter was born, and the two were madly in love at the time. Trillian was a loving father up until the time that Ariel was five, and then something inside the man just... changed. When Ariel came home from school on the bus, she assumed that her father was just upset shouting about a case, just as he usually did at times. What she walked in on was horrible. Her mother was in the floor, her arms shielding her face as her father hit her over and over. There was various holes in the walls, and many of the families pictures had fallen to the floor, the glass broken. Not understanding what was going on, tears started to wet the little girls face. [color=fff79a]"Mommy,"[/color] she said, her voice scared and shaking. Both of her parents turned to look at her, her mother getting up with a tear soaked face as well, rushing to her and wrapping her in a hug. These episodes went on until Ariel was the age of nine. Fed up with her father's ways, the little girl did her best to get in between her parents. The man instead unleashed his anger on her, and this was the first time that Ariel felt her fathers wrath. Her mother did her best to stop him as well, and in the end, he did, but not before bruises had formed on Ariels skin. This happened on and off until the age of 12 -perhaps every three months or so-, when Marianna was killed in a car crash. It was this night that the girl seen that side of her father once more, multiplied. It was at the age of thirteen that she tried to break away, and find a release for what she was feeling inside. Turning to her music more and more, Ariel also created a blog and a youtube channel with her dancing and singing. She started to draw and climb trees, staying outside of that dreaded house as long as she could. She took up baby sitting jobs and began to save her own money to do things. It was at the age of fourteen that she realized she was truly depressed. Her school life was horrible and filled with bullies, and most of all, she couldn't understand her father. How could he function and be so normal outside of the home, but yet a monster within? It was at the age of fifteen when Ariel officially stood up for herself. When her father hit her that night, she simply pulled a knife on him. [color=fff79a][i]"So help me, if you lay one more hand on me I [b]will[/b] make sure you never do it again. You may be my father, but you haven't earned the right to do this to me."[/i][/color] Just as usual, tears were running down her face. Trillians facial expression changed from anger, to fear, to sorrow. [color=00aeef][i]"I'm sorry,"[/i][/color] he mumbled. Disgusted with what she seen before her she slammed the knife down on the counter and ran to her room. Getting on her blog once more and talked to a person who had messaged her with a similar problem. This was how she found out about Camp Liberty. Running back downstairs, she shoved the laptop at her father. [color=fff79a][i]"I want to go. I want to go to this camp."[/i][/color] Reluctantly, the two had the longest conversation that they had in years, and her father agreed. [/indent] ►[color=fff79a][b]Extra[/b][/color]◄ [indent][sub]I like to browse Tumblr and just like.. well, Tumblr. [/sub][/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/f2CXEJ8BOMg5a/200.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=ff0000][b]C O P Y R I G H T[/b] This sheet was constructed by [@HushedWhispers], herself. Any plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. And if need permission to borrow, please just ask.[/color][/hider] [hider=Ariels Relations] [center][h1][u][b][color=fff79a]Serafina 'Ariel' Gray[/color][/b][/u][/h1] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/k8sBXcu90ug5q/200.gif[/img] [color=fff79a][i]{“You don't know me. You know one me, just like I know one you. And you can't know every me, and I can't know every you.” ― David Levithan, Every You, Every Me}[/i][/color] [color=fdc68a]⚜ [/color]Acquaintances ||[color=gray] ☯ [/color]Neutral ||[color=39b54a] ☮[/color] Friends || [color=00aeef]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=ed145b]♥ [/color]Love Interest || [color=ec008c]⚤[/color]Boyfriend/Girlfriend ||[color=ed1c24] ☠[/color] Enemies[hr][hr][/center] [hider=Team Red]Symbol Here[b][color=ed1c24]A U D R E Y . P E T E R S O N[/color][/b]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here][color=ed1c24][b]M A T H I U S . P H O E N I X[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=ed1c24][b]S I E R R A . J A M E S O N[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here [color=ed1c24][b]J A C K S O N . D R A K E[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=ed1c24][b]M A D I S O N . C A L L A G H A N[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=ed1c24][b]W I L L I A M . W H I T T A K E R[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol [color=ed1c24][b]W I N S L O W . W A S H I N G T O N[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here [/hider] [hider=Team Blue]Symbol[b][color=00aeef]R I C H A R D . K I N G[/color][/b][Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol [color=00aeef][b]A S T R I D . K I N G[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol[color=00aeef][b]C A S P E R . F A W N[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol [color=00aeef][b]A L E X A N D R I A . N O V A K[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol [color=00aeef][b]F O X . B E L L A M I A[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=00aeef][b]E M I L I E . P A R K E R[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol[color=00aeef][b]A L E S S A N D R O . C U R Z I[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol [color=00aeef][b]R A V E N . W I L L O W[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here[/hider] [hider=Team Gray]Symbol Here[color=Gray][b]A L E X A N D E R . B R Y A N T[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here [color=00aeef]♫[/color] [color=Gray][b]A I S L I N G . H A W T H O R N E[/b][/color] [color=00aeef]♫[/color] [i][color=fff79a]"She's grays momma hen, and she's always made it a point to make me feel welcome. She knows some of a secret of mine, like the tip of the ice-berg. She's covered for me more times than I can remeber and I owe her practically everything.[/color][/i] Ash and Ariel started out a bit distant, but it seemed as if Ash wasn't going to have that. Making it a point to add Ariel into gray and practically forcing her into every conversation that she had, Ash made Ariel feel like she had a friend during her first year at camp. Year two the girls practically started over. It was when Ariel had one of her off days where she wanted to find some piece that she snuck out after curfew, Ash covering for her. The next day, Ariel tried to explain and give her thanks, but Ash would have no part of it. Symbol Here[color=Gray][b]O L I V E R . C A S H[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Gray][b]E L I J A H . N E L S O N[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Gray][b]T A T E . D E M E R S O N[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol [color=Gray][b]L U I S A . D E M E R S O N[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here[/hider] [hider=Team Green]Symbol Here[color=Green][b]A T L A N T I S . S T R A N G[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Green][b]N A T H A N . B E A U C H A M P[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Green][b]N I C O L E T T A . S O R I A N O[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Green][b]S H A W N . H U N T E R[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Green][b]A D I E L L E . H A R T[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Green][b]C A L E B . B R A D Y[/b][/color]Symbol Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Green][b]E R I K & F I N N . S K A R S G A R D[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here[/hider] [hider=Team Purple]Symbol Here[color=Purple][b]A I D E N . P H I L L I P S[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Purple][b]M A L C O L M . O K A D A[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Purple][b]K R I S T A . H A L E[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Purple][b]G U Y . L E E[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Purple][b]C A S S I D Y . B R A D B U R Y[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Purple][b]T H E O D O R E . S I M M O N S[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Purple][b]S C O U T . K E L L E R[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Purple][b]S A M S O N . M O R R I S[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here [/hider] [hider=Team Pink]Symbol Here[color=Pink][b]J E S S I C A . R I E G E R[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Pink][b]H A N A . P A R K[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Pink][b]N I C H O L A S . B E A U C H A M P[/b][/color]Symbol [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here [color=gray] ☯ [/color][color=Pink][b]N E S S A R O S E . K I P L I N G[/b][/color][color=gray] ☯ [/color] [i][color=fff79a]"People tell me we have similarities, but I don't see it. She dances, so do I, that's it. She's in, so I don't like her. That's that. [/color][/i] Ariel and Nessa have met on the battle field, so to speak. Ariel has heard that Nessa likes to dance, and has wondered how good she is at it, though would never admit it, her being on Team Pink. Symbol Here[color=Pink][b]H O L D E N . F I E L D S[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Pink][b]F I O R E L L A . A G U I L A R[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Pink][b]A L T O N . S A N D E R S[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here Symbol Here[color=Pink][b]P I P P A . M O N T G O M E R Y[/b][/color]Symbol Here [i]"Thoughts on relation."[/i] Your comments here [/hider] [/hider]