[color=8493ca] “More curious that one would [i]want[/i] to touch one, I believe.” [/color] The specter answered as he gripped her hand to pry it away from his face. Naya didn’t fight him, instead blinking down curiously at where his gauntlet clad fingers wrapped around her wrist. It seemed he could touch her as well. The metal of his armor was cold and caused the skin of arm to prickle into goosebumps. [color=8493ca] “You could say that I am but a shadow of my former self.” [/color] He paused for a brief moment, before pressing on, [color=8493ca] “It might also be that a slave speaks more freely when his master is not listening.” [/color] [color=lightblue]”Oh. Um, right,”[/color] the witch stumbled, thinking back to the incident with Skellington the day before. Naya would have liked to think that her control over the creature had been better than letting Livia turn it into a mindless killing machine, but it might not have seen it that way. The runes she had marked it with had made it protective over her, it wasn’t a natural emotion, and even though she had only wanted the best for the skeleton...maybe she had done it more harm than good? The feeling of guilt clawed it’s way up and made the brunette's mouth go dry. She tried her best to squash it down. [color=8493ca] “What lays in Linore, to attract such an odd party?” [/color] he asked, his voice pulling Naya from her musings. [color=lightblue]”The faerie needs to get back to the border before the darkness poisoning sets in,”[/color] Naya confided, nodding towards Aurora again. [color=lightblue]”She found my grimoire in the clearing today. There was a bit of a... skirmish yesterday and I ended up being too injured to stay conscious, so my book was left behind. The general was accompanying me for protection and when we came back to fetch it, we happened upon her. So we made a deal, we’d get her to Linore if she wouldn’t burn my spellbook. She agreed and let me hold onto her axes to show us she meant to keep her word,”[/color] she explained before squeaking when the apparition caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger. [color=8493ca] “Have you dealt with my kind often?” [/color] [color=lightblue]”More than what most people would consider strictly normal,”[/color] Naya told him, suddenly sheepish. People did not tend to touch her if they could help it, like they were afraid they might get a hex put on them from merely coming into contact with her. [color=lightblue]”I had one little spirit that used to visit my shop often to play with the bird skulls, but I haven’t seen him in a while,”[/color] she admitted, giving him a small smile. [color=lightblue]”I’m Naya,”[/color] she said while taking the hand that he wasn’t holding and reaching up to pat at his shoulder. [color=lightblue]"...And I’m a witch, in case you hadn’t figured it out yet. Just, erm, thought you should know.”[/color] [color=lightblue]"Will you tell me your name, skeleton?"[/color] [@Gate Keeper]