[quote=@Dirty Pretty Lies] [@Xilaw]Lela's face while hearing about why Theo wants to stay faithful to Kylie and doesn't wanna be with her: [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/2adbd5613ea796e7cce6a3761a3de342/tumblr_nre86yrH7O1uzyc21o1_500.gif[/img] Also, I know what you mean! I'm not finding much gifs of young Adrienne Bailon either. Most of my face claims don't have that much gifs to begin with. :( [/quote] Lol, gifs. Bruh I'm scrambling for old photos. Gifs aren't even on the table for this one. Why oh why did I choose a guy who was a teen in the 90s as a faceclaim [img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7bjr0xDHj1rbsctpo1_500.jpg[/img] As for Lela, welp, nice guy kinda implies loyalty, right? I'm just sayin'. Theo's a tough nut to bust... er. Crack.