[center][h2]Zoran Joranis: Intercepted[/h2][/center] Zoran's semi-leisurely walk was interrupted by the sound of magic being thrown around. He turned in time to dodge several spears of ice thrown his way from the culprit, who happened to be [i]An Imperial?![/i] However, his quick roll out of the way was unnecessary as the shards weren't meant to actually hit him. However, when he recovered, he found himself faced with two more Imperials, one in blue tinted armor with a sword and shield, the other in standard gear with a greatsword. Drawing his gunblade, Zoran kept it in a guarded position, watching the pair the best he could, and so when the greatsword came at him with a heavy overhead slash, he deflected it off to the side before casting a quick fireball at his buddy, forcing the soldier with the sword and shield to dance back and avoid getting turned crispy. Dancing back from the soldier with the great sword, Zoran raised the weapon and aimed, firing a series of Fires at him before quickly closing and attempting to cleave the man from hip to shoulder.