[center][hr][hr][h1][b][color=a187be]Natasha Brinne[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/788b8abbd6e9d74bfd78bd4f530108e477750697/687474703a2f2f322e62702e626c6f6773706f742e636f6d2f2d6c6537515745344a484e772f556d334c323838353542492f4141414141414141786a4d2f59496b7151744e457644772f73313630302f74756d626c725f6c65786e35686b6f7535317164746d776a6f315f3530302e676966?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80[/img][hr][hr][b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Mines --> Hotel --> Ground of the Courtyard [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] In Person: [@Xtreme], A Goat, Desh [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] Afternoon, August 1st[/center][hr] Tasha undid her seat belt and stretched out her back some as she lifted her arms above her head. The day had certainly turned out differently than she had suspected. It was supposed to have been a peaceful day out in the sun, just reading. Instead she had gotten roped into wandering through a silver mine and hung over a black abyss to help a child out. Not exactly her idea of a rousing good time. Well, maybe the surgery she performed was, she lived for her work in the ER but the whole spelunking part not so much. Everyone had some irrational fear, hers was obviously heights. Looking over towards Dom she smiled faintly. If it hadn't been for him she knew she could have never even climbed down over the edge much less been able to stick it out to complete the surgery so the boy could be lifted out to safety. It was odd. She had been called to help on other rescues before in odd places back in the states but she always froze solid. This time, even though the fear was still unbelievably thick running through her veins, she was still able to do what was needed to do. That was a first and she hoped the last time she was called into something like that. If it ended up that she had to again, least she knew one person now that could get her through it. Granted he wouldn't always be around now would he? He had his documentary to do so he could be off to his next destination at anytime and her contract with the hospital would be up in three months. Why did that thought sting so much? The faint smile on her lips faded and she cleared her throat. [color=a187be]Thanks again, for everything."[/color] Climbing out of the jeep and limping over to the back so that she could retrieve her things. Slinging her bags over her shoulder and stacking up the boxes she pulled them out of the back of Dom's vehicle and dumped them back into her own; only keeping her main bag with her as she returned over to him. Taking a bit of a breath she tucked her hair behind her ear. [color=a187be]"Listen, I meant what I said. There was no way I could have done anything to help that child without you being there with me. I owe you. If there is anything you need. Anything at all, just tell me. No questions asked."[/color] she said in a sincere voice as she bit her bottom lip lightly. Turning she began to make her way back towards the hotel; limping as she went. Reaching the opening to the hotel courtyard she rested her hand on the peeling paint of the archway and looked back over to Dom, forcing a slightly smile before she continued on her way. As she stepped into the hotel courtyard she was blindsided by a goat of all things. It scurrying between her legs, it's horns knocking her in the rear end and before she knew it the poor doctor was looking up at the sky from the flat of her back. [color=a187be]"What the fuck!!!"[/color] she screamed as she rubbed her rear end. [color=f26522]"Sorry my most illustrious guest, truly sorry"[/color] Desh said as he dashed by. [color=f26522]"Our uninvited guest has run into our dining hall my goat catchers! Corner him before he destroyes my grand hotel"[/color] Tasha just lay there looking up at the sky, still not sure if she should move or just lay there and play dead at this point.