Im trying to hold my post, and not further the plot until everyone is in the city. [@A Tattooed Girl] is in the city from what I can tell, and will be able to meet us when she sees fit. Due to recent events im allowing [@TheIrishJJ] and [@TheUnknowable] to edit their posts and give them time to get themselves to the city. Feel free to PM each other to fast track the editing of posts. Since it is a curveball, I will really not care if its not your best work by any means. Ive seen your writing, now im worried about catching everyone up so we can be on the same page. That being said, I plan on [@Natsucooldude] being the one to make the post that advances us to the prison once these two are caught up. If he doesnt by the time im on tomorrow, I will. Long story short, I hope tomorrow is the day we all get on the same page and get to the prison. (Those of us who choose to go.) The ones who get to the city but choose not to go to the prison with us will be responsible for their own subplot that follows it.