Oliver wasn't sure he liked Sanguine's reply. She said she didn't see anything to liberate. Just because there weren't monsters running rampant didn't mean they weren't a problem. He supposed they might as well go ask around first, though. That did make sense. He nodded when she suggested they meet in the dining room, and the warrior departed, still deep in thought about her words. He decided to go straight to the dining room, since it wasn't like there was anything else to do. He couldn't imagine the vampire really taking all that long, it was just breakfast after all. He wasn't even sure than she ate breakfast. The servants were busy again when he walked in, but this time the Paladin didn't let that stop him. The Guild Master had made a good point, he was practically in charge here. So he plunked himself down in the same chair he'd taken the night before and ignored them while they did their thing. His companion showed up not long after and he noted that she was already in her usual robes, and surprisingly put together considering how long she'd had to actually get herself together. He didn't mention that, though, and instead directed his attention to the breakfast that was approaching. They only have food for one, and Oliver raised an eyebrow at the woman who set his food down. He didn't get a chance to say anything though, before someone else piped up. "Are you going to require breakfast today mistress?" that lowered the warrior's eyebrow, and he started eating. He still had to go change before they went anywhere, so he supposed he should probably finish up quickly. Unless Sanguine decided she wanted breakfast, in which case he might have the opportunity to take his time. This meal wasn't nearly as fancy as the last one had been, though, so he didn't think it would bother anyone terribly if he rushed it a bit...