Ikuto dodged the bullets fired his way and hide through the shadows with his skill [i]Shadow Cloak[/i], making the hunter can't find him even by his scent. The Black Cat observed the hunter as the guy climbed up to the wall. Ikuto smirk at the Hunter's intention. Firing [b]Burst Bullets[/b] at the hunter despite knowing that it will regenerate soon, Ikuto watch dispassionately as the guy tries to ignore the pain that was inflicted to him. The Black Cat fired another [i]Crying Bullet[/i] at the hunter hindering further the guy's sight. [color=0076a3]"[i]Hmm...[/i]"[/color] Ikuto hum to himself as he shoot a [i]Freeze Bullet[/i] and loaded another Burst and Orichalcum combination to his gun. He fired the combination at the frozen man on the man's nape , blowing away the chunk of flesh and denting the man's bone on his nape. Firing another combination on the same spot again simultaneously, Ikuto can already see the further denting with his enhanced eye sight. Smirking triumphantly to himself, he repeatedly fired the combination bullets that finally the [b]Orichalcum Bullet [/b] manage to pierce the bone. Though the bullet was stuck at the man's nape because of the hunter's regeneration skill. Ikuto loaded another combination to his gun and cocks the gun at the man's nape where the bullet is still stuck. Ikuto then promptly pulled the trigger.