"Back office." He replies. "Come on, I'll show ya." Cliver leads Lilith toward a door to the back of the room. Through it is a small room well lit by an outside window. A Shelf along one wall holds what looks like work related papers and maps. In the middle of the room is a large, ornately carved desk and behind that desk is a gaunt, thin faced man in his early forties. He looks up from his breakfast as the two walk in. "Thought from the racket you might be back." he says, then his eyes drift to Lilith and he raises his eyebrows. "The guild you sent for, boss." Cliver says. "This is Lilith, their leader. They've solved you're monster problem." The man reaches into the draw of his desk, withdrawing a pen and a little black book dispassionately. "And how much does the young miss want?"