[@KatherinWinter] The dark mage stare at the young man who take at the opportunity to slay the ghosts. He then watch as the young man and his group concluded their journey at this place. The mage feels that the future is bright for the man. He feels disappointed though that he doesn't see that much of the necromancer girl's skill. The mysterious man was disturbed by his musing at the sound of his name being called. The sound was coming from his satchel that he's carrying. The man opened the satchel and took out a mirror. The mirror shines brightly and a face of an old man appeared. [i]"Master Hadrian, at last you answered"[/i] The old man sigh in relief as he said this. "..." The mage did not answer and stare at the old man with a confuse expression. [i]"Master Hadrian?"[/i] "Who are you again?" The old man sweatdrop at Hadrian's answer. [i]"It's me , Makarov!"[/i] The old man exclaimed and the confusion on the forgetful mage cleared. "Ah! Young Makarov! I am delightful to see you. How is the guild and Poryulsica and the others? " [i]" Do not call me that anymore![/i]" The current master of the Fairy Tail guild exclaimed as a tick mark appeared on his forehead. "Alas! Compared to me, you are and will ever be just a youngling to me young Makarov" Makarov just sweatdrop at the immortal and continued on answering the man. "[i]Poryulsica is still the same. Holing her self at the forest. Bob and Goldmine formed a guild of their own and Yajima joined the magic council and Rob...Rob lost his life protecting a child.[/i]" Makarov ended solemnly. "I see...young Rob pass away then..." Hadrian answered with a sad tone. "But I'm glad that the others is doing alright. Have you had any news regarding Precht?" "[i]I'm afraid I don't have any news regarding Master Precht...why have you ask?[/i] " Precht is still trying to revive her then..." Hadrian muttered to himself. [i]"Her?"[/i] Makarov ask but Hadrian just wave it away, reminiscing about the girl with a blonde hair that his [i]black haired apprentice[/i] brought. That brought up something to his mind as he remembered his apprentice. "Young Makarov, how is your study in different magicks?" [i]"I have already said it before Master Hadrian, I already mastered my magicks."[/i] "All of your affinities?" [i]"Anyway, that is not why I called. The guild will be having a tournament and I would like to invite you and if ever, teach the winner another magic"[/i] "Hoo...so you would like me to test the young ones about their affinities then" [i]"Of course, you yourself has taught me that magic is alive and any person can learn different magick as long as it their affinity"[/i] "Ah but young Makarov... Have you forgotten my predicament. You yourself knows that my memories is fading away and my knowledge in different magicks is dwindling. I myself, can only remembers one light magic despite it being my affinity along side dark and neutral magic." [i]"But... Have you forgotten master Hadrian that you stored your knowledge in different magicks. I remember, you said it to me once while you're teaching me. You started copying your memory and store all the knowledge you gain[/i]" As Makarov said that, Hadrian pulled a device in his satchel. It's a small block box with intricate designs and carved with runes. "Yes...yes...I remembered" [i]"You are going then...?"[/i] "I'll think about it, young Makarov." Makarov sigh and just nodded. [i]"I'll expect a positive answer"[/i] And the mirror turned black and became an ordinary one again. The wind blows behind him and Hadrian absentmindedly cast a strong cleansing spell in the village. Clearing away the malevolent aura and removing the chance of this abandoned village being hunted again. [i]I am but an old man whose memories is fading away. Sooner or later, I will become that of a child, whose mind is like a blank slate. Is this fate telling me to surrender all of my knowledge...[/i] He stared at the black box innocently laying on his hand where lost magicks can be found. His mind then goes back to his first apprentice. A black haired child that he save from a dragon attack. The black haired child that was cursed. He remembers then, as he learned what happen to his apprentice at his time in Mildian Magic Academy. He then never heard of his apprentice for a very long time until because of a certain blonde girl. He watch as the two fell in love but then was brutally broken away by the cursed. [i] And now Precht is finding a way to woke her up and finding my dear apprentice. [/i] The wind blows again leaving nothing but a lingering presence. [i]My dear apprentice, are you still waiting for your brother to end you...[/i]