The moment Mavick Sword Storm saw the Adventurer's guild he knew this would be a strange day. Maybe it was the aching bruise on his back from his last battle or the clearly unsatisfied customer arguing with the merchant that he passed. It could even be the grandstanding adventurers trying almost too hard to recruit in the guild. No, what made this day unlike the other days he turned in a quest and got a glass of milk were the people. "Thank you." Mavick smiled at the receptionist and grabbed his quest reward. A stack of coins were placed in his leather pouch that was feeling a little too light earlier. Now that was remedied he ordered a glass a milk and found a table where he could sit, relax and watch the strange adventurers. Mavick took off his bag, sat down and laid his swords against the table while drinking the milk he ordered. The people he watched were diverse and likely were equally diverse in skills. However, what grabbed his attention was their general pride. This Archer Koji was one of these people that caught his attention. He was confident and eager to prove himself. This trait wasn't unusual for Adventurers, but Koji like the others seemed different to Mavick. The veteran wondered what the difference was, but could only feel an intense urge to speak with them. Maybe they were like him in some way. In fact this hope forced him to stand up, grab his belongings and approached the Archer and Summoner. "Greetings!" he said grabbing their attention. "My name is Mavick Sword Storm and its an honor to meet such determined Adventurers." He bowed his head slightly. "If you will, I wish to offer up my sword in service to you fellow Adventurers." The sincerity and respect was felt in Mavick's words as he tried to propose a partnership. He saw these two as good potential comrades and even look to the others as likely candidates. However, this was the first step and he needed to make sure they would even at least consider him.