"As I can see." Sakaala's heavy voice followed in the wake of the other two who had found their way into the room as well. The blind warrior-arcanist providing a simple smugness to her approval that at least the surprise engagement was driven off, if only for a time. It begged questions that needed answer, like those of as to how the intruder had crossed the enchanted boundary which seemed to be intentionally warded against her doing so, but for the moment the lack of the threat was a welcome change... as was the strongman's destructive might. There was no doubt a use for a man who could reduce masonry to rubble in this world and she better than most was aware of it. Yet, Regina's habit of being directly in the way continued, to which the enormous leonine form prompted her to step sideways gently with the flat of her sword to the small woman's shoulder seeing as she had returned to the ground, levitating no more and sheathing her collection of knives. It was a motion of caution, one that spoke on an unspoken length; interposing one's self between the bearer of a sword and what could have been another was not a wise tact, at least not for those who intended long lives for themselves. Stepping beside Hills now, surveying the absolute destruction that was everything from the shattered plates to jagged wood, the Huntress idled no further seeing that the quarry had escaped - for now. "I have little doubt that the lady is well aware of the now gaping hole in her home," The strong, animal jaws curved as her imposing figure found itself to the gap, a paw-like hand stroking over its rain drenched surface in assessment while more pattered down, "But as her guests it might be wise we bring forth what transpired here before she does." Shaking off the rainwater of the previously investigating hand, its associated arm soon returned limp beside her body - inanimate once more. It was in her expression, as she turned back to the rest of the collective, the three men and the halfling, that she had more upon her mind but evidently said nothing of it; safe to say, it seemed to be clear upon her scarred features the disappointment that the foe would be allowed to evade. [@Belwicket][@Jon Y][@vietmyke][@Zero Hex][@IcePezz][@ArenaSnow]