[@Cuccoruler] Octavia looked at Rida and smiled weakly then gave a slight nod. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah. Sure. I've caused enough trouble for one day, haven't I?"[/color] She replied with a deep sigh and her body had visibly become more relaxed. She stretched out her wings wide and, with a mighty flap, shot into the air. She ascended high above the clouds and felt the last lights of day gently caressed her skin. Oh how she had missed this feeling. The feeling of being weightless, the wind whipping at her hair and clothes, the air between the feathers on her wings, the feeling of being truly free from everything and anything. Once at a high enough height, she closed her wings and dive bombed towards the ground, then opened them once more, sending her back up on a second wind. Octavia looked back at the tree once more with a saddened expression then headed back to the castle as she was instructed.