[quote=@Sigma][@Jig] I have an idea to answer both questions. Perhaps that blank spot could be a client state of Jodesia? One that is planing it's own little offensive in the federation with the aid of Jodesian "Advisors"(in actuality, would be whole battalions or divisions worth of troops).[/quote] In my head, an ideal version of events would be similar to this, but wouldn't quite have happened yet. [list][*] It's crappy land, in terms of raw materials, crap soil, and not a lot there apart from maybe some nomads [*] Jodesia wants it anyway, just to consolidate their existence in the Americas and because it already has a history of making crappy land viable [*] Jodesia hasn't been able to seize it without an excuse because of the limits imposed on it following the Great War [*] Cooperation with the NAU in the Brazilian conquest gives Jodesia an excuse to basically 'move in' to set up a base of operations and then basically, ahem, not move out [*] Mine all mine[/list] If anybody has any feedback/wants in/wants to fight over it, though, I don't wanna just be like 'dibs'. Now that the IC has started, I'm reluctant to dig back into Jodesian history and rewrite it so that I have this whole huge territory in South America, mostly because it feels like putting a lot of effort into wasting a good plot for the future. If we want to put [i]something[/i] there, maybe a Grogar colony or something sprung up there, and the land's so gross it wasn't worth anybody else trying to evict them?