[@Blackbeard] Ah. I do see your point and I understand your intentions. I will make one comment in regards to your assessment of me: Yes it's more like a game than a movie to me. However, it's like an RPG MMO, and people like to RP their characters in those, create guilds, stories, etc etc. Nonetheless, we seem to have conflicting views on the subject and while we could probably go on and on about it (I know I could), I see myself becoming frustrated with the debate, not because of anyone else, but because i know myself. So I think I'll just back out. Two last things though before I leave you to it. One, I am a RPer as are all of you, and more often than not RP is a shortened version of Roleplaying, as you well know, but this is often a short form of Roleplaying game. Those are the roots of what we're doing. So the original nature of things is more in line with a game than it is a movie. Also, I get excited to see what my character will do as well as to see how people will respond to those actions. That is to say I enjoy writing my characters as they often surprise me despite my having created them. It's not so much that I have a conflict between being a reader and being a writer, so much as it is that I RP because that's what RPing IS. It is reading other people's responses to your writing and then responding in kind. Secondly, I did say I wasn't good at explaining my point and in the process of failing to explain it I learned something from the responses to it. Namely, how better to explain it. The question was never [i]really[/i] an ego thing such as "How could your character possibly beat mine??" but more along the lines of "How could anyone know how another character will act when faced against someone else that they've never fought before. How can you believably predict that dynamic and then decide who ought to win?" The answer is you can't. At the end of the day you're making the decision based entirely off of character development and plot (which I understand and wish you luck on as i would any other), but also happens to be something I don't agree with. It's the equivalent of Ichigo... [hider=spoilers]...winning against Ulquiorra out of nowhere with his Hollow transformation for the plot...[/hider]...when he clearly was outclassed, outgunned, and utterly dwarfed by him in power/skill/experience. It's not believable. I'm not saying that's how it will turn out all the time, or even most of the time, but that's my reasoning and it's also one of the big reasons I dislike predetermining, well, anything in a RP unless it's far off and the event isn't affected by the actions of players aside from certain adjustments. Regardless, I wish this the best as it's nice to see a Bleach RP gaining some traction on the Guild again. unfortunately, and sadly for me, it seems it's not quite my cup of tea ^^; Anywho, ciao~