[quote=@Zerofighter] Mizune was about to argue with the moron but then curse as a ki wave hit. It didnt hurt much by hurt enough to send her back a bit. she looked at the human girl. for som reason she reminded her of someone. "Wait...Lookout? you mean Kami's lookout? The old namekian guy who was earth's guardian! Her eyes became wide with excitement. "I ALWAYS WANTED TO GOT THERE! TAKE ME PLEASE! I can have it so we have all the training gear we can get." [/quote] Soi's face was one of cheer excitement, widening her stance and jumping up and down next to mizune as she finally met another who knew all about kami's lookout. She moved her hands up, trying to get the other to lock hands with her. "me too me too, but my mother said only after I finished finding and drinking to super holy water...Oh I just cannot hold it back, we must go now!" She shouted with pure wonder and glee. Soi turned to the acrosians. "Please, bring your ship to the tower, until then, just follow me"