[@Saarebas] lol, well I just liked teen titans because it was just more enjoyable to me, some great funny moments, some learning moments, and some plain out crazy moments. Manhunter doesn't get as much as he deserves that is correct, heck he disappears at one point and just leaves the life of an old man until he is needed again and pops up out of no where turning into a huge monstrosity to fight off an invasion lol. [@Weird Tales] Look back when robin's imp appears in the t.v. series of teen titans... he literally fucks everything up for everybody in many ways. one of the major things about your imp character is he also has massive meta knowledge of DC universe which means he will know the workings of every good guy and bad guy character and therefore there would be no point to anything sense there would no longer be any meaning to seeing how the team would fare against someone. among many other things. Beastboy and raven still have a numerous amount of weaknesses that can affect them and make it easy to defeat them.