[center][h3][color=00a99d]Elizabeth[/color][/h3][/center] Elizabeth was sitting in a warehouse by the shore, enjoying some fruit as they aren't too messy. She was wearing clothes which she had stolen from the local business. Being in the one location all the time or wearing the same clothing would end with her being caught by who knows what. The warehouse around her was dimly lit and had enclosed areas for hiding. She stretches and tries to get relaxed into the hard concrete of the warehouse. She would stare at the ceiling for hours, just contemplating her own life and where she shall head next. Elizabeth reaches into her backpack and pulls out a book on diseases and disorders to a bookmarked page. She re-reads the information about Narcolepsy. She reads over the treatment page and then searches through her backpack... [color=00a99d]"Darn, out of the medication. Looks like I will have to do without for a while"[/color] She sighs before packing her bag and using it as a pillow. She shuts her eyes and tries to get some sleep