[@Lovely Complex] [@HushedWhispers] SHE'S FINALLY DONE!!!!! [hider=Winslow Washington][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmQwNjI2ZC5WMmx1YzJ4dmR5QlhZWE5vYVc1bmRHOXUuMAAA/ringbearer.medium.png[/img] [img]http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/mp/WWeUCV0Amfkx.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/e30649819266ad16e454c2fe08666e0d/tumblr_nffal12Gsa1twxysvo1_250.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/e37966f095ea2a802d644f6e9760deb5/tumblr_ncltiu3cUy1tcj68yo4_250.gif[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/9dd126746b05fee12d6c55389107a0ff/tumblr_n947as8bmd1ry5pc8o3_r1_500.gif[/img] [color=b7567a][h3][b]"[i]For some of us, books are intrinsic to our sense of personal identity.[/i]โ€[/b][/h3][/color]โ€“[b]J O H N U P D I K E[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVjiKRfKpPI]Take Me to Church - Hozier[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_oMD6-6q5Y]I Am Not a Robot - Marina and the Diamonds[/url][hr][hr][/center] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]F U L L N A M E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Winslow Winifred Washington.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]N I C K N A M E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Winnie - a common nickname that Winslow particularly hates but is often on the receiving end of. She hates names that have the 'e' sound at the end, but its overly convenient for others to call her such a nickname considering her first name and middle name fit the bill. Win - a pet name used sometimes by close friends and relatives, it simplifies conversation and allows it to go by quicker. Winslow doesn't particularly hate it, as long as it is used sparingly and for time purposes rather than a permanent name. But please - just call her Winslow.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]B I R T H D A T E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]20 April 1999.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]A G E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Seventeen.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]G E N D E R[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Female.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/e299ed5c7d5a85cb9fff6b364336544d/tumblr_inline_nsalf5OS0I1t6gufn_500.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/1978f656821c79788298534439ffba43/tumblr_inline_o0yeujKWex1tx830p_500.gif[/img] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/c4777a9e1abfef2943975178958c8f08/tumblr_noz086UhCq1qd67a3o2_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]S E X U A L I T Y[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Homosexual (In the Closet).[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Single (all the single ladies, now put your hands up!).[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]S E X U A L L Y A C T I V E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Experimented.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]T E A M C O L O R[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Red.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]Y E A R S A T C A M P[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Three.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/af/f8/52/aff852f8f2ac364fb77ed9c32b21af7c.jpg[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/03526fbb2f427e405a738a7660cac35f/tumblr_nbl7nvHEsN1sn3vulo2_250.gif[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/e2af8e6f74f75339b95f9466e42803cd/tumblr_n9y57faQ2L1tcj68yo1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]I N - D E P T H A P P E A R A N C E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Winslow has the face of a sweet yankee girl โ€“ often led to believe so because of her pale ass skin and โ€œsophisticatedโ€ facial features. Many people sometimes expect Southern Americans to look like downright heathens โ€“ weird teeth, dirty blonde hair, and big wide smiles. What people donโ€™t expect is the pale, smooth skin of Winslow with slight, faint freckles on her cheek and an apathetic face void of strong emotions. Her hair is red (not auburn, not orange, but the natural color of the gingerfolk) and falls in waves to the tip of her stomach. Winslow doesnโ€™t mess with it much โ€“ she prefers to just brush it in the morning and not touch it for the rest of the day. She hates wearing makeup as she often forgets that she put it on and rubs her eye โ€“ however, from time to time, sheโ€™ll wear a bit of foundation and eye makeup. Though, she is rather liberal with her use of chapstick. She is around 5โ€™6โ€ in height and is rather on the skinny side with an average figure. However, sheโ€™s been working on building up the muscle (though it hasnโ€™t been going well, sheโ€™s naturally born with a stick figure) and fat in her body. Winslow is quite satisfied with her legs, though, as they are long and she likes to show them off in jean shorts sometimes. When it comes to clothes, Winslow prefers the simple โ€“ jeans, tanktop or t-shirt, a jacket or something. At wild teenage parties or special occasions, Winslow likes to wear a wide range of clothes โ€“ but she enjoys showing her legs on such days. Her voice is rather light and lilting, with a slight Southern accent that she likes to hide (though it slips out at the most inopportune times). Winslow smells like strawberries and ink.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3yvF7H5.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vW9uYb6.gif[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/591edbdb051ba9a1eb8fbfdbc7995cc1/tumblr_mn09reNQek1qzg2sjo2_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]H A B I T S & Q U I R K S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent][color=lavender]๐ŸŒš[/color] Tends to apply and reapply chapstick as a nervous tick [color=lavender]๐ŸŒš[/color] Yes, she is....a [i]vaper[/i]. When reading, Winslow typically vapes due to it making her feel like Bilbo Baggins in the beginning of [u]The Hobbit[/u]. [color=lavender]๐ŸŒš[/color] When extremely annoyed, Winslow tends to make an exaggerated disgusted, sardonic face. [color=lavender]๐ŸŒš[/color] Cosplays and LARPs (shhhh, no one can know!) [color=lavender]๐ŸŒš[/color] Her Southern accent becomes really prominent when she's upset[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]L I K E S & D I S L I K E S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent][color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Cryptography [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Books (Favorites: The Lord of the Rings series and the Prose and Poetic Edda) [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Martial Arts (Practices Muay Thai and knows a bit of Karate) [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Watching boxing matches [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Violin music (though she doesn't play) [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] French Fries w/ sweet and sour sauce [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Milo's Sweet Tea [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Dogs (Small ones especially) [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Television (It's really boring to her) [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Coffee [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Soda [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Morons (though she pretends to be one) [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Pretentious pricks (if you say whilst she will shove a stapler down your goddamn throat) [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Religious people (including athiests that like to stuff their thoughts down your throat)[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]F E A R S & P H O B I A S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Due to being a foster child, Winslow has a fear of being abandoned - the day she turns eighteen and her mother doesn't come for her might be the saddest day of her life. Small dogs are the bane of Winslow's existence and will run if she sees one (chihuahua's are fucking scary man).[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]G O O D P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent][color=AFEEEE]๐Ÿ’ง[/color] Scholarly [color=AFEEEE]๐Ÿ’ง[/color] Conscientious [color=AFEEEE]๐Ÿ’ง[/color] Dedicated [color=AFEEEE]๐Ÿ’ง[/color] Demiurgic[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]B A D P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent][color=firebrick]๐Ÿ”ฅ[/color] Temperamental [color=firebrick]๐Ÿ”ฅ[/color] Morose [color=firebrick]๐Ÿ”ฅ[/color] Inhibited [color=firebrick]๐Ÿ”ฅ[/color] Blasรฉ[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Winslow has two personalities, as confusing as it is: a faux personality she shows to others and a genuine personality reserved only for herself and perhaps a close friend or two. Itโ€™s easy for others to describe her โ€“ Winslow is incapable of creating a three-dimensional second personality, after all, so there are cracks. When others see her, they see the typical jock. Her mind seems empty to others; Winslow projects an uncaring stupidity so others donโ€™t question her or bother her with unneeded arguments or discussions. She comes off as a complete meathead with interests in nothing but boxing, wrestling, and martial arts. In order to embrace such a persona, Winslow often incorporates a seventh grade humor โ€œthatโ€™s what she saidโ€ and crude, yet misinformed, sex jokes. Winslow tends to act arrogantly and impulsively to subscribe herself to the jock stereotype. The only real trait in the faux personality is her hot-headed, temperamental nature. Winslow doesnโ€™t take well to other people wronging her and her temper has a tendency to get incredibly hot in an incredible amount of time. She is incapable of letting it simmer, but instead lashes out the moment she is angered. Winslow reacts in most situations aggressively โ€“ when sad or upset, Winslow would rather respond with heated anger and sharp words than depraved tears and desolation. Other than her love of martial arts and temperament, the rest of such a projected personality is utterly fake โ€“ almost hilariously so. If people knew, many would ask why she pretends as such. Is it to keep her heart guarded? Is it out of a pure need to manipulate others? No, itโ€™s much more simple than that. Winslow is a complete and unsalvageable nerd. While she acts like a total moron, Winslow is rather educated. Intelligent or smart is the wrong word to use in regards to her because she is not naturally so โ€“ her level of education is the fruit of labor. Winslow is a scholarly woman who likes to spend her time learning and thoroughly picking a part every bit of information she can find. If Winslow wishes to have an opinion on a certain subject, she researches that subject till her fingers are cramping and cut! In addition, she is a rather thorough person, overall. Winslow diligently and carefully sorts through all the facts, assesses all the evidence, and measures all the risks before doing anything. As a nice compliment to such a knowledge-seeking personality, Winslow often has to have a dedicated and diligent mind. Matter of fact, Winslow is one of the hardest working people her friends have ever known โ€“ she will work herself to death if she could (and many of her friends back home predicted that she will become a workaholic in the future). She will spend hours making sure she reaches her goals and often has to be dragged away from whatever she is currently working on. However, she has plenty of time to do work considering she is intensely introverted and will become emotionally distressed if around a group of people for more than a few hours at a time. Of course she is not without her bad traits. Other than being temperamental, Winslow is rather apathetic towards otherโ€™s plights when it does not directly involve her. She tends to live life with a lack of vigor, only going through the motions. She is rather bored with the modern world and spends her head tucked between the pages of a fantasy book entailing magical adventures. As it is, though she holds many opinions, she has no care of arguing for them or changing othersโ€™ minds to see it from her side. Furthermore, Winslow lives an inhibited life โ€“ tightly controlled with careful calculations and a life of no risks. Winslow is a control freak that has to have everything in between her fingers because surprises make her extremely nervous and being taken aback is unsettling for her. She enjoys knowing that everything is orderly and predictable โ€“ which, perhaps, is why her life is so boring, because she knows everything that is going to happen. Unfortunately for those who do know her, they will often have to deal with her rather morose personality. Winslow is a moody teenager who will have moments of melancholy and somedays cannot seem to get out of bed. She is rather pessimistic and has a hard time seeing the good in anything! But, what sheโ€™s really ashamed of, is her level of geekiness. Winslow embraces the life of a fangirl โ€“ she must know everything about the things she enjoys and, opposite of her personality, becomes rather passionate and excited about her literary wanderings and movie choices. She overanalyzes books and uses such forms of entertainments as an escape from her daily life. Cosplay is a natural step in life for her and she could talk hours, days, years about hobbits and house elves. [/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/3a9d47f3376228e18ca0a06f0ba28566/tumblr_ndomdzm2qn1tnb382o2_250.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/45a1fcc2bc009a6d99658841894462d1/tumblr_ndmkhdxHHm1twxysvo1_250.gif[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/54ae415ca862159203ae1e0699477693/tumblr_ndomdzm2qn1tnb382o3_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]P L A C E O F O R I G I N[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Mobile, Alabama[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]B A C K G R O U N D[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Life started out simple enough for Winslow. She was born in a small town near Mobile, Alabama to parents that have never left the state, let alone the country. They grew up small town, and lived small town. Winslowโ€™s parents were high school sweethearts that made the mistake of marrying too soon and grew up hating each other. Around nineteen years old, Winslowโ€™s mother gave birth to her which ruined her dreams of going to college and obtaining a career ([s]or maybe it was her lack of motivation and a ready excuse that allowed Winslowโ€™s mother to settle[/s]). Winslowโ€™s mother settled as a waitress while Winslowโ€™s father made money through his mechanic career. As the marriage went on, Winslowโ€™s mother and father realized they hated each other and divorced like most high school sweethearts. After the divorce, Winslowโ€™s mother picked up other recreational activities to fill the time that, before, had been used to argue with her husband. Such activities being alcohol, sex, and drugs. Though Winslow knew her mother loved her, her mother slowly was engulfed by addiction and soon loss functionality in regular day life. She was fired from her job after coming blackout drunk and she could no longer support her daughter. They lived day to day on the small amount of child support that Winslowโ€™s father sent in. When Winslow was twelve, she got a job at a restaurant where she was paid under the table (tax free, thankfully) because she was too young. However, when Winslowโ€™s mother attempted to pick up Winslow from school while intoxicated, the schoolโ€™s administration called child services. In court, Winslowโ€™s mother was seen as unfit as Winslowโ€™s guardian and her daughter was put into the foster system. For a couple of months, Winslow bounced around in the foster system โ€“ house to house. However, when Winslowโ€™s mother did not clean up her act, months turned to years and Winslow became a teenager. Of course, the two kept in touch as much as they could and had supervised visits; but it wasnโ€™t enough for the lonely Winslow. She grew up roughly, always feeling unwanted by her mother, father, and all the foster families that took her in and turned her back over. Eventually, Winslow came to the Smith family. They were a generic, suburban family that was taking in a foster child for the first time. However, Winslow grew on them and they on her, so they stayed together for quite a while (they would have adopted her, but Winslow didnโ€™t want that because of her hope of her mother coming back for her). They bought her a computer, gave her the nicest clothes they could, and even sent her to Camp Liberty over the summer. Maybe it's because they are so good to her that Winslow hasn't come out of the closet yet; she's afraid that the extremely conservative family will send her back like everyone else has. [/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]E X T R A N E O U S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent][sub]i refuse!!!!![/sub][/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/ac88600a3a9598b037a27b39173e1b11/tumblr_n3m7l8MXGX1ql8x1lo4_250.gif[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/3f566d3d111d4fc2a3803d0d06cf4d0f/tumblr_n3m7l8MXGX1ql8x1lo1_250.gif[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/167263cef9f3522c211696e8054d9ce5/tumblr_n3m7l8MXGX1ql8x1lo2_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][/hider][hider=Simple Format Winslow Washington][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmQwNjI2ZC5WMmx1YzJ4dmR5QlhZWE5vYVc1bmRHOXUuMAAA/ringbearer.medium.png[/img] [img]http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/mp/WWeUCV0Amfkx.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/e30649819266ad16e454c2fe08666e0d/tumblr_nffal12Gsa1twxysvo1_250.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/e37966f095ea2a802d644f6e9760deb5/tumblr_ncltiu3cUy1tcj68yo4_250.gif[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/9dd126746b05fee12d6c55389107a0ff/tumblr_n947as8bmd1ry5pc8o3_r1_500.gif[/img] [color=b7567a][h3][b]"[i]For some of us, books are intrinsic to our sense of personal identity.[/i]โ€[/b][/h3][/color]โ€“[b]J O H N U P D I K E[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVjiKRfKpPI]Take Me to Church - Hozier[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_oMD6-6q5Y]I Am Not a Robot - Marina and the Diamonds[/url][hr][hr][/center] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]F U L L N A M E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Winslow Winifred Washington.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]N I C K N A M E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Winnie - a common nickname that Winslow particularly hates but is often on the receiving end of. She hates names that have the 'e' sound at the end, but its overly convenient for others to call her such a nickname considering her first name and middle name fit the bill. Win - a pet name used sometimes by close friends and relatives, it simplifies conversation and allows it to go by quicker. Winslow doesn't particularly hate it, as long as it is used sparingly and for time purposes rather than a permanent name. But please - just call her Winslow.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]B I R T H D A T E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]20 April 1999.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]A G E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Seventeen.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]G E N D E R[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Female.[/indent] [hr][hr] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]S E X U A L I T Y[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Homosexual (In the Closet).[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Single (all the single ladies, now put your hands up!).[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]S E X U A L L Y A C T I V E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Experimented.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]T E A M C O L O R[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Red.[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]Y E A R S A T C A M P[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Three.[/indent] [hr][hr] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]I N - D E P T H A P P E A R A N C E[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Winslow has the face of a sweet yankee girl โ€“ often led to believe so because of her pale ass skin and โ€œsophisticatedโ€ facial features. Many people sometimes expect Southern Americans to look like downright heathens โ€“ weird teeth, dirty blonde hair, and big wide smiles. What people donโ€™t expect is the pale, smooth skin of Winslow with slight, faint freckles on her cheek and an apathetic face void of strong emotions. Her hair is red (not auburn, not orange, but the natural color of the gingerfolk) and falls in waves to the tip of her stomach. Winslow doesnโ€™t mess with it much โ€“ she prefers to just brush it in the morning and not touch it for the rest of the day. She hates wearing makeup as she often forgets that she put it on and rubs her eye โ€“ however, from time to time, sheโ€™ll wear a bit of foundation and eye makeup. Though, she is rather liberal with her use of chapstick. She is around 5โ€™6โ€ in height and is rather on the skinny side with an average figure. However, sheโ€™s been working on building up the muscle (though it hasnโ€™t been going well, sheโ€™s naturally born with a stick figure) and fat in her body. Winslow is quite satisfied with her legs, though, as they are long and she likes to show them off in jean shorts sometimes. When it comes to clothes, Winslow prefers the simple โ€“ jeans, tanktop or t-shirt, a jacket or something. At wild teenage parties or special occasions, Winslow likes to wear a wide range of clothes โ€“ but she enjoys showing her legs on such days. Her voice is rather light and lilting, with a slight Southern accent that she likes to hide (though it slips out at the most inopportune times). Winslow smells like strawberries and ink.[/indent] [hr][hr] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]H A B I T S & Q U I R K S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent][color=lavender]๐ŸŒš[/color] Tends to apply and reapply chapstick as a nervous tick [color=lavender]๐ŸŒš[/color] Yes, she is....a [i]vaper[/i]. When reading, Winslow typically vapes due to it making her feel like Bilbo Baggins in the beginning of [u]The Hobbit[/u]. [color=lavender]๐ŸŒš[/color] When extremely annoyed, Winslow tends to make an exaggerated disgusted, sardonic face. [color=lavender]๐ŸŒš[/color] Cosplays and LARPs (shhhh, no one can know!) [color=lavender]๐ŸŒš[/color] Her Southern accent becomes really prominent when she's upset[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]L I K E S & D I S L I K E S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent][color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Cryptography [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Books (Favorites: The Lord of the Rings series and the Prose and Poetic Edda) [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Martial Arts (Practices Muay Thai and knows a bit of Karate) [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Watching boxing matches [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Violin music (though she doesn't play) [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] French Fries w/ sweet and sour sauce [color=powderblue]โ˜๏ธ[/color] Milo's Sweet Tea [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Dogs (Small ones especially) [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Television (It's really boring to her) [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Coffee [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Soda [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Morons (though she pretends to be one) [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Pretentious pricks (if you say whilst she will shove a stapler down your goddamn throat) [color=silver]โ›ˆ[/color] Religious people (including athiests that like to stuff their thoughts down your throat)[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]F E A R S & P H O B I A S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Due to being a foster child, Winslow has a fear of being abandoned - the day she turns eighteen and her mother doesn't come for her might be the saddest day of her life. Small dogs are the bane of Winslow's existence and will run if she sees one (chihuahua's are fucking scary man).[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]G O O D P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent][color=AFEEEE]๐Ÿ’ง[/color] Scholarly [color=AFEEEE]๐Ÿ’ง[/color] Conscientious [color=AFEEEE]๐Ÿ’ง[/color] Dedicated [color=AFEEEE]๐Ÿ’ง[/color] Demiurgic[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]B A D P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent][color=firebrick]๐Ÿ”ฅ[/color] Temperamental [color=firebrick]๐Ÿ”ฅ[/color] Morose [color=firebrick]๐Ÿ”ฅ[/color] Inhibited [color=firebrick]๐Ÿ”ฅ[/color] Blasรฉ[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Winslow has two personalities, as confusing as it is: a faux personality she shows to others and a genuine personality reserved only for herself and perhaps a close friend or two. Itโ€™s easy for others to describe her โ€“ Winslow is incapable of creating a three-dimensional second personality, after all, so there are cracks. When others see her, they see the typical jock. Her mind seems empty to others; Winslow projects an uncaring stupidity so others donโ€™t question her or bother her with unneeded arguments or discussions. She comes off as a complete meathead with interests in nothing but boxing, wrestling, and martial arts. In order to embrace such a persona, Winslow often incorporates a seventh grade humor โ€œthatโ€™s what she saidโ€ and crude, yet misinformed, sex jokes. Winslow tends to act arrogantly and impulsively to subscribe herself to the jock stereotype. The only real trait in the faux personality is her hot-headed, temperamental nature. Winslow doesnโ€™t take well to other people wronging her and her temper has a tendency to get incredibly hot in an incredible amount of time. She is incapable of letting it simmer, but instead lashes out the moment she is angered. Winslow reacts in most situations aggressively โ€“ when sad or upset, Winslow would rather respond with heated anger and sharp words than depraved tears and desolation. Other than her love of martial arts and temperament, the rest of such a projected personality is utterly fake โ€“ almost hilariously so. If people knew, many would ask why she pretends as such. Is it to keep her heart guarded? Is it out of a pure need to manipulate others? No, itโ€™s much more simple than that. Winslow is a complete and unsalvageable nerd. While she acts like a total moron, Winslow is rather educated. Intelligent or smart is the wrong word to use in regards to her because she is not naturally so โ€“ her level of education is the fruit of labor. Winslow is a scholarly woman who likes to spend her time learning and thoroughly picking a part every bit of information she can find. If Winslow wishes to have an opinion on a certain subject, she researches that subject till her fingers are cramping and cut! In addition, she is a rather thorough person, overall. Winslow diligently and carefully sorts through all the facts, assesses all the evidence, and measures all the risks before doing anything. As a nice compliment to such a knowledge-seeking personality, Winslow often has to have a dedicated and diligent mind. Matter of fact, Winslow is one of the hardest working people her friends have ever known โ€“ she will work herself to death if she could (and many of her friends back home predicted that she will become a workaholic in the future). She will spend hours making sure she reaches her goals and often has to be dragged away from whatever she is currently working on. However, she has plenty of time to do work considering she is intensely introverted and will become emotionally distressed if around a group of people for more than a few hours at a time. Of course she is not without her bad traits. Other than being temperamental, Winslow is rather apathetic towards otherโ€™s plights when it does not directly involve her. She tends to live life with a lack of vigor, only going through the motions. She is rather bored with the modern world and spends her head tucked between the pages of a fantasy book entailing magical adventures. As it is, though she holds many opinions, she has no care of arguing for them or changing othersโ€™ minds to see it from her side. Furthermore, Winslow lives an inhibited life โ€“ tightly controlled with careful calculations and a life of no risks. Winslow is a control freak that has to have everything in between her fingers because surprises make her extremely nervous and being taken aback is unsettling for her. She enjoys knowing that everything is orderly and predictable โ€“ which, perhaps, is why her life is so boring, because she knows everything that is going to happen. Unfortunately for those who do know her, they will often have to deal with her rather morose personality. Winslow is a moody teenager who will have moments of melancholy and somedays cannot seem to get out of bed. She is rather pessimistic and has a hard time seeing the good in anything! But, what sheโ€™s really ashamed of, is her level of geekiness. Winslow embraces the life of a fangirl โ€“ she must know everything about the things she enjoys and, opposite of her personality, becomes rather passionate and excited about her literary wanderings and movie choices. She overanalyzes books and uses such forms of entertainments as an escape from her daily life. Cosplay is a natural step in life for her and she could talk hours, days, years about hobbits and house elves. [/indent] [hr][hr] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]P L A C E O F O R I G I N[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Mobile, Alabama[/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]B A C K G R O U N D[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent]Life started out simple enough for Winslow. She was born in a small town near Mobile, Alabama to parents that have never left the state, let alone the country. They grew up small town, and lived small town. Winslowโ€™s parents were high school sweethearts that made the mistake of marrying too soon and grew up hating each other. Around nineteen years old, Winslowโ€™s mother gave birth to her which ruined her dreams of going to college and obtaining a career ([s]or maybe it was her lack of motivation and a ready excuse that allowed Winslowโ€™s mother to settle[/s]). Winslowโ€™s mother settled as a waitress while Winslowโ€™s father made money through his mechanic career. As the marriage went on, Winslowโ€™s mother and father realized they hated each other and divorced like most high school sweethearts. After the divorce, Winslowโ€™s mother picked up other recreational activities to fill the time that, before, had been used to argue with her husband. Such activities being alcohol, sex, and drugs. Though Winslow knew her mother loved her, her mother slowly was engulfed by addiction and soon loss functionality in regular day life. She was fired from her job after coming blackout drunk and she could no longer support her daughter. They lived day to day on the small amount of child support that Winslowโ€™s father sent in. When Winslow was twelve, she got a job at a restaurant where she was paid under the table (tax free, thankfully) because she was too young. However, when Winslowโ€™s mother attempted to pick up Winslow from school while intoxicated, the schoolโ€™s administration called child services. In court, Winslowโ€™s mother was seen as unfit as Winslowโ€™s guardian and her daughter was put into the foster system. For a couple of months, Winslow bounced around in the foster system โ€“ house to house. However, when Winslowโ€™s mother did not clean up her act, months turned to years and Winslow became a teenager. Of course, the two kept in touch as much as they could and had supervised visits; but it wasnโ€™t enough for the lonely Winslow. She grew up roughly, always feeling unwanted by her mother, father, and all the foster families that took her in and turned her back over. Eventually, Winslow came to the Smith family. They were a generic, suburban family that was taking in a foster child for the first time. However, Winslow grew on them and they on her, so they stayed together for quite a while (they would have adopted her, but Winslow didnโ€™t want that because of her hope of her mother coming back for her). They bought her a computer, gave her the nicest clothes they could, and even sent her to Camp Liberty over the summer. Maybe it's because they are so good to her that Winslow hasn't come out of the closet yet; she's afraid that the extremely conservative family will send her back like everyone else has. [/indent] [color=lightgray]๐ŸŒ› [/color][color=b7567a][b]E X T R A N E O U S[/b][/color][color=lightgray] ๐ŸŒœ[/color] [indent][sub]i refuse!!!!![/sub][/indent] [hr][hr][/hider]