Cia was pleased to see that others had shown up to help her. "Ohh! So happy so many of you are-" Again Cia was interrupted by the birds, this time they seemed to be making a last ditch effort to at least get rid of one of the girls. "Excuse me." Cia said looking up at the rest of the birds, it was huge flock and she needed time to prepare her next attack. "I need you to back me up this is gonna take a bit." Cia said as she held out her book. A magic circle started to surround her. She was preparing a rather large attack and she would need some time to do so. Water in the river below started to float in the air then started gathering. It was starting to resemble a rather large shark. One of the largest sharks in history actually. She was going to summon a megaladon, a shark larger than a bus easily. -------------------------------------- Linda in the meantime was enjoying watching the fight. For her she was just scoping out the enemies. She wanted to know everything about them and their powers. She could feel all of the other demons in the area. The one oni was one whom she had summoned to London was certainly interesting. She had hoped that she would prove herself useful in corrupting a magical girl for her. Proving that she was usefull instead of just another mindless brute. It was hard for Linda not to reveal herself to the magical girls, as she really wanted to test their might first hand. See if they were really a threat to begin with. But she tried to keep herself hidden instead, though she was starting to laugh now. So far none of them had shown anything substantial in the way of power. Of course this was a weak demon they were after and not one of her stronger sentient demons.