[b][color=662d91]Legacy of the Dark Earls Character: [/color]Iraasnej Ithiler of Yvindel[/b] Name: Iraasnej Ithiler Sex: Male Age: Fifty-Two [b]Backstory(9,5,37)[/b]: [i]An elderly fellow lacking in any ability to feel 'fear', Ithiler has grown to see--as far as he knows and cares--all that the world has to offer. His family upbringing in part attributed to a great desire to learn and converse, and his choice of words and actions earned the academic a great deal of respect all throughout his life. It is for this reason that the Yvindel scholar chose to become a member amongst the well admired thinkers of his city -- those of the Archaeus Literarium. Through the years that followed, Iraasnej always kept up a great moral discipline about his person, studying and conversing constantly -- that he might achieve his intellectual ambitions. However, this choice also came with a great consequence, as--unlike his elder and younger brother--he never came about to having the time or charm to successfully find a love that matched his level of mental accomplishment. The only secondary who came even remotely close happened to be that of Queen Esal herself. Indeed, while her husband busied himself with the various issues of the crown, she took great leisure in exploring the many wonders of the outside world -- notably through the hundreds of tomes and scrolls kept within the Literarium. In time, the elder scholar and the younger queen formed a bond akin to that of family, and--when he had time for it--Iraasnej took pleasure in acting as a tutor and guide for the younger woman. Sadly, such is the nature of life that joyous times such as these cannot last, and it was with solemn lament that--upon the birth of her only daughter--the now Headmaster of the Literarium recieved news of the queen's passing in childbirth; and along with this, her final will that the girl--who's name was Jalani--be put under his private instruction. Fourteen years and to this day, he has kept true to her will, raising the budding youth in all manner of studies and philosophy, that she might one day be an even greater ruler than either her mother or father.[/i] [b]Description[/b]: [i]Standing at 170 centimeters in height, Iraasnej carries his lean frame well beneath the scholar's multi-layered, white&green robes. His skin comes off as of a yellowed hue when he stays indoors too long, but it is naturally a light tan. Topping his crown is a well-kept head of long, dark black hair, albeit trimmed along the temples with specks of grey here and there. His facial structures are very pronounced, forming a very striking expression upon first glance of his wrinkled, clean-shaven visage; the whole of which ultimately end up complimenting the passive demeanor of his brown eyes. He is quite educated, and chooses to be as precise as possible with his words -- that there might be little to no miscommunication between himself and the audience. He is also quite interested in learning, and will be more than happy to pass along what he has subsequently picked up to any and all who might ask.[/i] [b]Knowledge/Skills/Equipment[/b]: [i]As stated previously, the elder Ithiler has built his reputation around his excelling performance in the academic world. His mind contains almost as much knowledge as the many hundreds of tomes stored within the Literarium's vast archives; and he has acquired the habit of memorizing and recalling this information in great frequency, that he might keep it 'Fresh' within the interiors of his mind. As for the martial arts, Iraasnej has *read* through a few of the manuals...but due to the time constraints of his work--and a general lack of enthusiasm for the art--this is about as far as he's ever kept up with the subject. Instead, he prefers the occasional 'Light' dabbling in the medical fields -- for truly, the able doctor is far often more capable of disabling than the average soldier or ruffian. Again, however, very little of the former has ever been put into any sort of practical application, and the elder often prefers the simple --yet accomplished-- title of "Scholar". He is almost always seen in scholarly robes, and accompanied by his trusty walking staff -- the latter of which has only *Rarely* seen the odd back-side of the disorderly youth; indeed, he is seen *so often* in these robes--with the minor exception of his night-gown and the robes given out around the Public Baths--that a few have ventured to jest the "--Scholar's robes might as well be his skin, its hood his hair, and all else about him a mere deception of the appearance." [/i]