[hider=Michael Peter Castle] Name: Michael Peter Castle Gender: Male Age: 17 Length of Stay: He has been in here for two months,He has two more months to go. Illness: schizophrenia Incident: Cut both his wrist during a episode. Appearance: detailed description, picture also required. Anime picture only Michael has dark blonde hair that rest near his ears,Dark blue eyes that seem to be pierces your soul. Standing at 5'6 and weighting in at 152 pounds of mostly muscles, Since he had cut his wrists he had a hand puppet to cover the cut,with the other hand he wears a hand band to cover the other scar. Usually he wears a white shirt and pants with dark brown shoes and pink socks. [img]http://i.stack.imgur.com/kCUQX.jpg[/img] . Personality: both how they act normally or at their own home if those two are different. How he acts normally is rather strange speaking to himself or when speaking to other people he will speak with his puppet and speak to him as if he was a real person. At times he likes to speak riddles mostly to himself but at times to other people. He likes to make up his own little world that he could play in imaging this world he could explore in. Likes: His dog puppet, Chocolate, and Music. Dislikes: Arrogant people, Authority, and Cats. Sexuality: Straight bio: Michael was born into a upper middle class family and to loving parents, He was the youngest of four children and in turn felt alone and had many imaginary friends. Because of this he was isolated form his peers and only hung out with his imaginary friends, When he started to go into high school he tried to make friend but was made fun of by his peers making him depressed. At the age of 14 he cut both his wrists and was sent to the place where he is now with his dog hand puppet that lets him cope with his life. Extra: None. [/hider]