[hider=CS] [center][h2][color=black]General[/color][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Jian [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-2kMn8kjzIYv4fkO-zDEpTn7l7xsVcom5nK6jn8ytn208Hw2vTjqZJlvgKudGdCSFvF7=w500-h668-no[/img] [b]Additional Appearance:[/b] [b]Height:[/b] 6'1 [b]Weight:[/b] 183lbs [hr][h2][color=black]Combat[/color][/h2] [b]Element:[/b] Earth, with more advanced element of Lava as well. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [hr][h2][color=black]Personal[/color][/h2] [b]Personality:[/b] Jian is a dark and depressed soul, spending his days in entropy as he simply wastes away mentally. He has a hard time talking to, or trusting most people, as they often see him for the story than rather than who he actually is, though he almost prefers it that way, as remembering what he used to be like and how he'd fallen in so short an amount of time doesn't help his depression in the slightest. Quiet as a mouse, even with his rather imposing frame, it can be hard to notice him due to the utter lack of presence he posses now. The stubborn will that had won him numerous matches has been mostly broken through his own hand, as he constantly apologizes to those around him, sometimes for no reason, and is always putting himself down, calling himself trash, dirt, and worse, for making just the tiniest mistakes. However, he hasn't been completely broken down yet, as he will still do his best to help those he sees in need, unable to ignore any wrongs that he sees before him. He also still retains a temper, though hard to ignite, that will bring a hellstorm of fury upon those who have ignited it. [b]Skills/Hobbies:[/b] Pro-bending, Practical Mathematics, Some mechanical knowledge from his father, Drinking his sorrows away [b]Background:[/b] Jian was a rising star in the world of Pro-bending. Him and his team, featuring his fire bending brother, Li, and a childhood friend, Kaia, who moved to Republic from the Northern Water tribe, beat competitor after competitor, few being able to match Jian's tactics and power, supplemented by Li's ferocity and Kaia's excellent positioning skills. They were a team that, when put together, simply couldn't be beat. Or so it seemed, but all it took to tear these titans apart was conflict within the ranks. Li and Kaia had begun to grow close over time, and while Jian had been pining for her since they were kids and had been working up the courage to actually ask her, Li decided that his brother was taking too long, and had no chance anyway, and moved in. Jian was completely blindsided by his brother's betrayal, feeling a mix of embarrassment, shame, and rage when he discovered them getting rather . . . intimate after a match and it all came out into the open. He fled the scene in a blind rage, not wanting to see or talk to his sibling, but Li was insistent on trying to calm his brother down, following him all the way to a nearby park, just the two of them there at night. It might have worked too, but sadly his brother, not being the most empathetic of individuals, kept on stating that it was Jian's fault for never making a move and that he had done nothing wrong. This, unsurprisingly, set the earthbender off, and he suddenly launched a rock at his brother, who quickly blocked it with a blast of flame,eyes wide with shock at first, but then quickly got into a stance, knowing words wouldn't settled this. The two would engage in a fierce fight, with his brother still trying to talk sense into Jian, but having his words fall on deaf ears. It would continue like this for about 5 minutes, neither really able to gain any advantage over the other, until Hiresh felt something surge through him as he unleashed a tremor through the ground, his anger seeming to spread out all around him. As the fissure rushed towards Li, a jet of lava would surge upwards as well, flashing past the startled boy as it collided with an outstretched arm and leg. The sight was jarring enough for Jian to snap out of his anger, instantly feeling shame, guilt, and worry as he rushed forward to collect his brother and hurry him to a hospital. Luckily for them both, Li would survive, but both his leg and arm were amputated. His Career as a Pro-bender, all that the two of them had ever wanted since they were little, was over. And Jian was struck with the guilt knowing that he had done this, and the reason he'd done it for had been so stupid and petty. After that event, the team broke up, Kaia looking at him like he was scum, Li not even talking to him, and even his parent's couldn't help but look at him with disappointment in their eyes, not saying any harsh words against him, but then again, not really needing to. But that wasn't even the worst of it, however, as not that long after it happened, the newspapers were all over the story, demonizing Jian as the envious brother that had tried to kill his own brother over a woman. They treated him as scum and trash, and the city echoed this sentiment soundly, making it impossible for Jian to go anywhere without his face covered, less he get attacked, both verbally and physically. This event, and the events that followed with other, minor conflicts, gave the Pro-bending association more than enough reason to end his career and ban him from Pro-bending officially anywhere, the very first disgraced player. This has lead Jian to live his life mostly inside or at his parents house, falling deeper and deeper into an ever-worsening depression, his reason for living becoming more and more of a mystery as the thought of ending it all became more and more appealing. [b]Other:[/b]Has a mental block that keeps him from bending Lava effectively, as he's afraid of what will happen to those around him.[/center] [/hider]