[i]Morbid much[/i]? Travis was rather taken back by Felix's unexpected and sarcastic reply. Catching the Arch-Mage's sigh afterwards, Travis eased his attention back and took a sip from his coffee-filled mug before reaching out to the inner table to fetch his breakfast items. So much for lightening the mood or stating a conversation. Spreading a bit of cream cheese along the circular flat portion of his bagel, Travis was then greeted by Yuno in the manner of addressing the clearly evident marks under his eyes with the color in comparison with the color of his dark hair. "Oh, hardy har har." Travis replied back, mentally cursing at himself for laying down the foundation for ending up on the receiving end. Just as everyone had assembled at the table, Felix then made a rather grim announcement with the list of names in his hands. He explained that during one of his recruitment trips, he had a fatal run-in with one of his own. While he himself made it out untouched, the fellow whose name was on the list did not make it. Travis was sure that the silence everyone had given Felix as he described the encounter became deafening. It was now evident that while everyone was fated to join this grand mission, it was not without its risks. The list of names on the small parchment in Felix's hands had now become a hit list. Travis paused for a moment to inspect the coffee in his mug before deciding there was not enough caffeine and added plenty more sugar cubes into the mix before taking another gulp. While the threat of death did startle him, the risks involved however here no so different than his original expedition in Mexico. While the enemies they may face sounded as if they were leagues above any Disciple he had ever ran across, that concept did not faze Travis as much as it would have with most Untalents. To say he was afraid would be an understatement, the idea was terrifying. But he nonetheless still believed that he was fated to use his knowledge for something greater. Besides, he was sure there would be plenty to study on their journey of theirs and he simply could not return to the Academia empty-handed, especially AWOLing his original mission. "I wasn't that much better off back in Mexico," Replied as he took another sip from from his mug, "so color me undeterred."