Genevieve stood her ground for the moment, every muscle in her body tensing. It took every bit her of to stall, to try and endure the power shown by the Magi. “What …? Not confident enough in your abilities to fight me like a man?” her strength waned with every word. As the magic left her body, she slumped against the large wardrobe behind her. Her eyes trailed over the talisman a moment, taking in every groove and crack, twist of metal, every hue and hum. “That is an interesting toy you have there, young man. Do you even know the true capabilities of its power?” she growled, her voice growing intense as she fought to keep conscious. Her skin had wrinkled, becoming powder white and spotted with age. Silver sparked through her hair and a hunch added to the woman’s slump. Her hands fumbled behind her to the tables beside the armoire, trying to find something, anything to use against him. She couldn’t let herself be taken out like this. If she could stall long enough, the others in the house should be able to feel his power, to sense him. She wondered if he was the intruder Regina spoke of … if so, what had taken them so long to get to her?! Her fingers passed over odds and ends left on the table from previous rituals performed, stones, bones … and then … her only hope. With whatever strength she had left in her, she grabbed the large bell, identical to the one in the dining hall but larger in size, as if used to wake the whole house. She shook it frantically, spouting out some sort of spell... an amplifier of sorts. The bell emitted a loud ring, but as Genevieve spoke, the volume and pitch grew, begging the house to creek and cry, calling to anyone near. It wasn’t long before Genevieve was on the floor, left completely unconscious, and the ringing had stopped. But, not without doing a bit of damage, not without awaking the enchantments that surrounded the intruder. Wood splintered up between him and the crone and the floor groaned beneath his feet. An ominous breeze blew by him, and the surrounding temperature dropped a few degrees or ten. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] [@Zero Hex] [@Jon Y] [@Belwicket] [@ArenaSnow] [@vietmyke]