The group around Tali seemed to be distracted enough to not notice her at all. She slinked down low to the ground and backed into the shadows. She crouched and watched them from this distance. Among the hectic scurrying all around her, she missed picking up on the nearby felines until now. The stray cats, tomcats, garbage dwellers, even the housecats stood at the window and stared down or scratched at the wall nearest her. She hoped they decided to stay in the shadows, on corners of buildings, and in the underbrush. She figured that they viewed her as some kind of alpha, but she knew if anything she is a beta. She watched closely as the children around her attacked the birds. They were strange and black and dissipated instead of just dying. She pieced a few things together that she learned and came to the conclusion that they were some kind of evil spirit, a little devil, something of the sort. She tried to remember what Forest Spirit told her. She moved only her eyes as she watched one big black bird fly around sporadically before changing direction - her direction. She readied herself in a low crouch, she crept along the wall with a sharp eye on the being. Tali channelled Wild Girl and wiggled her backside before leaping after one and pinning its dusty corpse to the ground. She grinned widely and pawed at another one, slapping it to the ground in one motion. It was strange - on the scale of power, it was equivalent to a cat smacking around some unlucky prey. She rolled over and grabbed one in her arms and broke its neck with her back legs. The rest of the girls seemed to be treating it like an office job but Tali was having a blast - even if she seemed to take every move [i]very[/i] seriously.