SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm looking for someone whod like to do a rp. Quick bio! I'm 24 and have been rping since I was a freshmen in high school. When it comes rp length I tend to average 3-5 paragraphs a post but can do more if my partner is able to match. Nothing gets my dandruff up like putting alot of work into a post only to get a small response. I tend to do my rps in PM only and OOC conversation through out isn't necessary but it's encouraged. Here are some of my rp ideas. 1. Princess of Point Place: Rp about Jackie Burkhart from That 70's Show 2. Chalkboard Romance: A romance rp about two teachers at a private high school 3: The Forbidden Realm: A rp about a american boy who ends up in Feudal Japan If any of these interest you Pm me and we'll have some fun!