[center][color=DodgerBlue][h3] Kilo Pestifer Leon[/h3][/color] [img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/4dbd/th/pre/f/2014/166/c/0/what_are_you_thinking_about__rott__by_kyoux-d7mc3xk.png[/img] Location: Guild Future Society HQ (General Interest Check) [/center] [hr][hr] Kilo remained as stoic as ever as his pen flew furiously across hundreds of pages that has quickly taken up the space on his once clear desk. His work load had drastically increased since the bot invasion, and since the S.E.S was stretched across all of Guild City, it was only appropriate for its members to participate in the fighting. Now he was stuck with the job of funding Cohorts in many of the sectors who were helping with relief aid, helping the injured, and erecting temporary lodgings for the helpless, all from inside the red zone. Although the S.E.S had not exactly seen much of the fighting in the past, they took pride in helping in the logistical side of things, helping those of all backgrounds, race, age. In the end, the igniting of a full scale war proved to be a logistical nightmare. Kilo was forced to mobilize Cohorts in Roleplaying Discussion, who were eventually forced to fall back due to being overrun. With the KBots attacking the home base in Spam, the organization was able to hit the KBots with the full military might of the Society. The organization was soon able to push the enemy out of Spam and into Free. With communication down, Cohorts inside Free were overrun, but with a Expert Tactician like [url= http://pre14.deviantart.net/3f83/th/pre/i/2016/020/0/3/military_girl_for_toshinden_fanclub__by_vixgo-d9oqdm1.jpg]Delta Nea[/url], they were able to successfully lead 3 Cohorts back into the center of the Free Interest Check. Kilo made sure to give her a field promotion to Tresais, creating a temporary Legion that would occupy and help fight in the General Interest Check, which he was trapped in because of a meeting that was supposed to take place hours earlier between him and the main Cohort stationed there. Every S.E.S member was trained to fight, preparing themselves for the day when the may have had to forcefully change the way things were. Ending the prejudice between sectors. All S.E.S members were outfitted with Organization masks and magically enchanted [url=http://img15.deviantart.net/eb0c/i/2010/271/2/5/uniforms_set_2_by_v3rc4-d2znr2i.jpg]male[/url] and [url=http://t03.deviantart.net/pImKN_Y9kc5Mtb2fzUMo5Hf5ius=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre08/0da1/th/pre/i/2014/102/4/7/mca_uniform__female__by_inurufu-d7e4y27.png]female[/url] uniforms, and [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1gNAW4R9HA0/UZHacyThvLI/AAAAAAAAAIs/AFGpCfeF9j4/s1600/ar1.png]AR-1s[/url]. Supplies such as vehicles, ammunition, food, water, and any relief aid items were sent to Nea's Legion in GIC (General Interest Check), from Cohorts in surrounding sectors, but with KBots on the rampage, it difficult to get supplies on the inside. Kilo sighed and slid further in his seat. Liberating Guild City from its cultural and racial barriers was one thing, fighting a war against souless machines was another. The S.E.S had lost many of its comrades today, a loss that would be honored by pushing on and destroying the KBot threat. With a final huff, Kilo got up from his seat, and as he did so [url=http://pre08.deviantart.net/772e/th/pre/f/2014/062/1/4/dante_by_kyoux-d78qsoi.png]Beta Meek[/url] followed in his wake, who was a half-demon who's past was unknown, but found his way high into the S.E.S ranks. [color=DodgerBlue]"Where are you headed Preeminence?"[/color] Beta Meek asked as he followed Kilo out of the make shift tent that served as his office, on a street in front of the Guild Future Society HQ in the center of the, were a legion of 500 S.E.S members, resting from the days fighting and the few moments of piece that was granted them in the center. [color=DodgerBlue]"The transmission sent to us asked us to help protect FIC, that is what we will do. This will be the Defensive Checkpoint."[/color] Kilo said solemnly. They would be the last line of defense. Hopefully reinforcements would come.