Hoshizora Aiko steps out of the way so that she is no longer blocking the door. She looks the woman up and down. Two-piece. Belt. [i]What kind of loser wears a red shirt with a black suit.[/i] What must be color contacts. A black tie. [i]Nice hair, bitch. You dye it just for me? Oh, and that undone tie looks real fucking professional.[/i] "Yes, I'm Hoshizora. Nice to meet you, too.", Hoshizora Aiko replies with a stiff bow. She reaches out and grasps the woman's hand in a weak handshake befitting a timid schoolgirl. The woman explains before letting go of Aiko's hand, drawing her eyes to the box. [i]Did you seriously go out and buy a brand new coffee machine as soon as your old one broke? You probably didn't even research it first, did you?[/i] "O-oh, it did? I can come back tomorrow if this is a bad time." Is this the previous assistant? Is this woman's manner of dress some kind of bizarre challenge to Aiko? A confirmation that she's been found out? Maybe she simply chooses to dress like a C-grade thriller extra. Aiko clutches her bag tightly and holds the door open for the woman, the aroma of burnt coffee grounds washing over her. "I guess Mr. Sasori isn't in... You wouldn't happen to, uh, be related somehow, would you?"