[quote=@FrozenEcstasy] But I'm very impressed by the extensiveness of your work on this and I'm thrilled to try and get into this! [/quote] Thanks! [quote=@FrozenEcstasy] I am going to call dibs on the Greek ideology of "the Unknown God" which is not exactly a singular god but a reference to the possibility of a host of unknown deities, but I'm hoping to use the worship to this unknown host of possible deities to draft up a Grecian inspired deity of a nature that I'm not entirely for sure of just yet... if that's okay with you? I still got some formulating to do, but I don't disappoint ;D [/quote] I just looked it up, and this is actually the first time I've heard of this Unknown God. And I'm not too sure what to do about this... The Unknown God clearly isn't one of the main Olympian gods, but apparently were involved enough with the Greeks back then to have temples dedicated to him. Maybe this is a spirit of power comparable to the Greek gods who had stayed secretive for whatever reason, but nevertheless involved himself with Greek people to certain extents. It'd depend on what you come up with to see if it fits with the rest of what I have in mind.