[quote=@Silvan Haven] [b]Lux Harken[/b] At the mention of food Lux's fave lit up. The earlier fight had left him feeling a little peckish. "That sounds wonderful. I would love to have something to eat before we hit the road." Jason had been pretty quiet for a few minutes now. ... [i]Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaare[/i] ... [i]Say something[/i] [/quote] [color=gray][b]Jason Alexander[/b][/color] Don't you [i]jiiiiiiiiiiiiii~[/i] at me. In fact, you can leave me well alone. I never agreed to this party suddenly gaining like four cute girls because you picked the one job everyone would want. Seriously, hadn't you learned anything about foresight from me? This is why the 108 Skills will forever elude you, Harken, I hope you understand this. Granted, this change of pace could prove beneficial—if little else, The Pawn seemed to radiate capability in much the same way Harken did. Hard to fake that, and doubly so if you've a content of character anywhere near his. Lying, cheating, and bluffing your way into authority were about as far you got from him, at least on outward appearance. Apparently his morality was flexible enough to allow himself to become part of clandestine tactics, but I'm sure he didn't ever plan on admitting that or even enjoying it. What kind of knightly paladin of justice of guiding light and justice snuck around, anyway? Exactly. It clashed with him. But as I said, it could prove beneficial. The blind girl and the reverse trap cook girl notwithstanding, thanks largely due to me not having a good read on them, splitting the mission ended up giving us at least one more surefire person to delegate workload to, if not more. Now, I was no mathematician, since books were more my thing, but this counted towards a pretty lucrative drop in opportunity cost as far as I could see it. Thankfully, by having only a modest and perfectly healthy amount to speak of, I managed to swallow my pride. [color=gray]"Jason. I'll eat, sure."[/color] He never urged me to say [i]much.[/i] I'm a man of effiency, I could be breathing with that air.