Hissing could be heard behind the glutton and the earth magical girl it was low pitch and barely noticeable but it gnawed away at your subconscious constantly pestering with the fact it was actually there and the annoying part was that it seemed to be coming literally everywhere yet nowhere the source couldn’t be placed. The ominous feeling of being watched could send a chill up a spine for both magical girl and demon alike but then all at once it stopped but the feeling of being watched was still ever present. Hissy moved unseen and nearly unheard through the darkness she didn’t want to interfere with them, just watch with great interest the magical girl walked through the legs of greed and accept her embrace something that was extremely strange considering the little ones are supposed to be warry of demons like Greed here. Her brow raised and she had to hold in a laugh as the earth one prepared to show a direct jab at the demon. The fact that this was going to happen was an obvious this and she wondered how the demon didn’t suspect this outcome. [color=Purple]“[i]They just don’t make em like they used too huh[/i]”[/color] Hissy thought to herself [@kusanagifire][@IceHeart]