“Yesterday hrm?” Emmerling said with a grunt. They had come together quickly and already completed a task together. It sounded suicidal to go into combat so shortly after they had met each other, “You’ve all been bit busy eh? Ya’ll know me almost as well as ya’ll know each other.” As they journeyed, Emmerling lagged to the middle. He would not be first into danger, nor would he allow himself to be picked off at the tail end of any group. The tools on his back were too expensive to lose, but the most precious thing he has was his life, and it was best to let others negotiate around danger before he had to. It was a long route they took. The sun was reaching its zenith just after they passed the log bridge, and his water skin was almost empty by the time they came in sight of the guild house. A sharp exhale burst from Emmerling and almost caused a coughing fit in him, “This is a travesty!” He had half a mind to yell at Sarrai’a from entering the building in its current state. “I’ll have to survey the property. I can’t be seein’ this as safe.” His head shook vigorously and he stared through the holes in the walls, and to any of the visible support beams. He stepped with a weight of responsibility cast over him. The dull tired look in his eyes were now wide and fierce. Emmerling immediately stepped through the doorway and began rapping on any of the exposed wood and all the beams he could find. “Rot.” He whispered under his breath as he listened for the soft thud of rotting wood. “Six months?” Emmerling said, “This all happened in six months?” His face reddened at the mention of magic, and he pursed his lips such that it looked like they would disappear into his mouth, “Magic ain’t no way to keep a building standin’. Age is catchin’ up to the structure. It’ll be needin’ swift repair.” He turned about to Lilith, “Send an order for wood quickly. We will be needin’ to cut some of our own lumber as well.”