[b]Name:[/b] Angeline Ménard [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Birth Faction:[/b] Erudite [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-AiIsiOHzw2c/UaYMWC87KTI/AAAAAAAAZD0/-DEXKkNSgEU/s1600/kalina_lilla_600.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Angie is quite outspoken about what she thinks, often challenging others to battle of wit and knowledge. She borderline resents those who are ignorant or refuse to learn. She can have trouble hiding that resentment at times and almost feel a need to teach them or educate them. Angie has a softer side though to those she knows and cares a great deal for them and would gladly sacrifice anything for them. Despite her thirst for knowledge, she also has a great thirst for secrets, both knowing them and keeping them along with a fearless attitude in the face of any difficulty. [b]Backstory:[/b] Angie had quite the studious upbringing. She was expected to become the next great genius in the faction. Highly intelligent, stubborn and a thirst for knowledge lead her down that path and she thrived on it. Often seen as rude and snobby she did not make any friends through school, part from a select few. At her 16th birthday the aptitude test was coming around the corner and she was quite confident in which faction she should belong.