[color=ec008c][b]Francesca Wells (Ex-human)[/b][/color] [@kusanagifire] As she reached for the magical girl Francesca could hear this annoying low-pitched hissing sound that started to gnaw at her. It was stupidly annoying and she wanted to shut it up but she was quite busy at the moment. The sound did distract her a little though so when the magical girl stepped in, putting a foot through her legs, she was a little slow on the uptake. The punch connected with a resounding crack as the punch hit her sternum, and the cracking of cartilage could be heard on impact, which caused Francesca to put a foot back to steady herself. As the foot hit the roof part of it formed up around her foot to her her extra purchase to withstand the punch and not move in the slightest. This magical girl was quite the hard hitter, but at the same time Francesca had one hard body which took the blow rather well. The punch certainly hurt but Francesca was a very big girl, especially after her demon transformation [color=ec008c]"That actually hurt kid,"[/color] she chided, a small tear forming in her left eye, as she quickly brought her arms together in a deadly bear hug, [color=ec008c]"I think its time you pay the toll."[/color] She may have missed her original attempt but now that the girl was almost literally in her arms there would be no escape and then she could begin a true demon's assault.