[H2][color=red] UNDER CONSTRUCTION [/color] >.< Please no peeking [/h2] [Hider][Center][sub][h3][Color=DarkViolet]₪ - S h i n i g a m i[/color][/h3][/sub] [Colour=DarkGray][Indent]₪ - Name[/Indent][Indent][Indent][sub]Shishio Bakushō [/sub][/Indent][/Indent] [Indent]₪ - Appearance[/Indent] [IMG]http://t03.deviantart.net/usfBF_FRAD-j0BmwofIk4UrAqUI=/fit-in/300x900/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre07/e102/th/pre/f/2014/253/a/9/kiosho_shihoin___bleach_oc_by_kiosho_shihoin-d4axbap.png[/IMG] [H2][Color=DarkViolet]"Woah you don't see that everyday!"[/color][/h2] [Indent][Indent][sub]Shishio is a tall tanned male standing at 5'10". Sometimes he can come off as a serious and well mannered person. That is until you actually conversate with the guy. That's when you realize that he's probably a child Locked inside of a kids body. He has a normal physique and seems like the average everyday person. His clothing usually consist of his favorite color, Dark Violet. [/sub][/Indent][/Indent][/Colour] [Colour=DarkGray][Indent]₪ - Division & Rank[/Indent][Indent][Indent][sub] Squad 3, Lieutenant[/sub][/Indent][/Indent] [Indent]₪ - Ideology[/Indent][Indent][Indent][sub]Shishio believes that everyone needs to laugh or smile at least one time in their life. Even if it's for a second happiness matters. He does knows when not to take part in one of his shenanigans and never goes to far with a joke or a prank. At some points he can be a serious guy, though that side of him might be a rare site to see. He has a habit of trying to smile or laugh his problems away which every time doesn't work out in his favor. [/sub][/Indent][/Indent] [Indent]₪ - History[/Indent][Indent][Indent][sub]Text goes here[/sub][/Indent][/Indent] [Indent]₪ - Abilities[/Indent][Indent][Indent][sub]Text goes here[/sub][/Indent][/Indent][/Colour] [sub][h3][color=CadetBlue]₪ - Z a n p a k u t o[/color][/h3][/sub] [Colour=DarkGray][Indent]₪ - Zanpakuto Spirit[/Indent][Indent][Indent][sub]Text goes here[/sub][/Indent][/Indent] [Indent]₪ - Inner World[/Indent][Indent][Indent][sub]Text goes here[/sub][/Indent][/Indent] [Indent]₪ - Shikai[/Indent][Indent][Indent][sub]Text goes here[/sub][/Indent][/Indent] [Indent]₪ - Bankai[/Indent][Indent][Indent][sub]Text goes here[/sub][/Indent][/Indent][/Colour][/Center][/hider]