[H2][center][color=skyblue] Amaya VanIsis// Infirmary[/color][/center][/H2] [@Joshua tamashii][@hatakekuro] Amaya smiled seeing lucus leaving in a different direction as she beckoned for Joshua to follow. It took the duo a few minutes to move through the crowd to the infirmary as amaya stopped outside a room that seemed to be bursting at the seams with love crazed girls. [Color=skyblue]"I am...confused this is Nolan's room but there are screaming girls here..."[/color]said Amaya moving towards the group [color=Skyblue]"Joshua....can you do some crowd control and make them leave"[/color]she asked pushing her away through the crowd finding Nolan at the center as she sighed before yelling [color=skyblue]"Dalton! Grow your wings and get him out of here...he can't hand this much female attention!"[/Color] she yelled hoping if the exceed was here that he could hear her as she tapped nolan's face a few times [color=skyblue]"get up now Nolan.."[/color]