[center][color=blue][h3]Tiras Rivers[/h3][/color] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/33700000/Derek-derek-hale-33739205-500-279.gif[/img] interacting with: Reed Stark[@smarty0114] [/center] [hr] For Tiras, two months to get to a place is perfectly fine. Because bear riding is much better then horse riding any day. While he rode his bear, a cart being driven by a guard with some things and his large gypsy horse tethered to it was beside him. Along his other side his large blonde wolf dog [url=http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Ma54baf54826ae44b520ecee7c3bc440fo0&pid=15.1]Moon[/url] trotted beside him and his black falcon [url=http://www.biodiversityexplorer.org/birds/falconidae/images/1638599821_17479ac8bf_327w.jpg]Atlas[/url] flew above him. As the odd bunch neared the destination it was clear that Tiras is different. Clad in all black in garb that seems rather informal for his status with the only real show of his rank being a silver ring with two leaping fish facing toward a large black stone while riding Onyx, shows just how different. The only color standing out on the man is his cool grey eyes that seem to hold mysteries deeper then any ocean. While his excellent hearing could pick up all the whispers, all the rumors, everything...yet he does not seem affected by it as he rides past. As he reaches the keep he slides off of Onyx and nods to the man there to greet him. This man...makes an almost fatal error of stepping forward to take the bear away. He is soon greeted by dual swords at the throat. [color=blue]"Back away from the bear"[/color] The man backs away with hands up and Tiras slides his swords back into their homes. [color=blue]"Where I go they go understood?"[/color] The man nods and goes to help the guard with the horse and his things. Tiras was lead by the man once he was finished with the cart and horse to the waiting place with his bear dog and bird. He nodded to the man as he left and locks eyes with Reed. His eyebrow raise, but he manages to speak. [color=blue]"Tiras Rivers"[/color] His head nods in a bit of a respectful acknowledgement. As he does so, Atlas flies to the back of a chair, Moon sits beside Tiras, and Onyx decides to go say hi. The large black bear lumbers forward and sniffs Reed. A collar with leaping fish embroidered on it is now visible around Onyx's neck. A matching collar is around Moon's.