[@amaralyn] As the birds were cleared out to allow Cia to concentrate they started group up. As they did Cia smiled as her spell completed. There was a full megaladon made of water and as Cia released it, it went swimming through the air eating the rest of the birds in a single gulp. There were no more demon birds after that and Cia was pleased, though this spell was rather taxing on her. Before she knew it she fell to the ground in exhaustion. "T-That was fun." Cia said laughing to herself. She hadn't even noticed the other girls had left to deal with a different threat yet. It took her a moment but she finally noticed they were missing. "Where did the others go?" Cia asked looking at Robyn as she sat up still panting from the amount of energy she had used just now. "And why is there a flaming... oh." Cia interrupted herself this time as she saw what looked to be a girl floating in the air and on fire. Even Cia could feel the immense power eminating from the girl. This was the Demon Lord. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [@Atomicnut][@Iceheart][@Noxx][@Kusanagifire] Linda had been watching the fight and was thankful that another demon appeared to try and help. Of course they were still outnumbered. Despite how strong they were they wouldn't be able to win when out numbered like that. "If that stupid oni had realized just how outnumbered she were she would have run by now." Linda said with a sigh as she floated down towards her two demons. She then saw a spear of tentacles rushing at the oni. Linda didn't even lift a finger and a single yet extremely durable rabbit plushie appeared and blocked attack. "Nuh-uh. That's enough, you guys gotta start thinking plans to separate them from each other before you attack. Or atleast corrupt them first." Linda said with a sigh. Her body was surrounded by flame as well showing she was a bit annoyed by this display. The immense power that Linda was giving off could be felt by any magical girl in the area now as Linda had stopped trying to hide it now. "We need to have a talk. Both of you." Linda said and before the demons could say a word portal appeared behind each of them. The portal was actually leading to a casino, one owned by a certain other demon whom had tried to challenge her before. She figured it was good of a place as any to meet up instead of going all the way back to the demon world. "Go on, I'll meet you there in a bit. I have something I need to take care of before I go." Linda said before turning towards the girl whom had fired the tentacle spear. "Your an interesting one aren't you? I've never seen a magical girl that could do that. I'm Linda by the way, Demon Lord." Linda said looking at the girl right in the eyes. "Tell me, have you ever considered becoming a demon? We could sure use someone like you!" Linda said smiling to the girl and holding out her hand.