sense haven't done it yet going to move dusk over here. Quote: [Optional] Name: Dusk Title: Lord of his forces (need a name for the group) Age: 16 Race: Frieza/Cold Race. Appearance: his starting form's appearance is pretty small like normal, he has 4 horns on his head jutting out instead of 2, his outer skin would be a deep black while his actual skin would be a very dark green, the crystal like looking areas would be a greyish white color. His body would be more defined than his ancestors having been refined over the generations. (unfortunally not much images for these guys :( ) Family: Decedent of Cooler (only thing I can think of atm) Personality: Kind unlike his ancestors, believes the galaxy should be protected instead of ruled. Likes: animals, Honesty, Ramen, and Pizza. Dislike: Arrogance, Laziness, and Disobedience from his forces. Abilities/techniques: a simple martial arts fighting style and his family signature death beam. Transformations: None currently. Other: Has a scouter, small group of troops that follow him, and a spaceship home somewhere in the mountains. History: He left home not believing in his parent's desires especially for him. those loyal to him of his parent's forces joined him and sworn their service believing he could make the difference between protection and tyranny. they had landed on earth believing it to be far enough off radar to grow in strength and be able to stop his parents and other villains. by watching the earthlings Dusk had started to train himself in what he could see of martial arts.