Then everything changed and the Demon Lord interfered. Francesca groaned and stopped trying to grab the girl, completely missing the fact that the Demon Lord had just saved her butt. She took a step back toward the portal and her eyes took in the girl's sword briefly. [color=ec008c]"I'll be sure to take that sword of yours next time, looks valuable."[/color] Well, she was not about to disobey the Demon Lord, so without further adue, she stepped through the portal and arrived in the casino. As soon as she realized where she was her eyes sparkled with excitement. [color=ec008c]"Oh, oh! So much stuff! So much money! Ahh I wish it were all mine!"[/color] Like a giddy girl on Christmas she looked around everywhere, drinking in the sound of coins clinking and machines whirling. It would be so easy to take it all, if it weren't for the fact that a certain demon operated the casino. She was greedy not suicidal.