Marian’s whole body was unnaturally tense. What was with her? Why was this a sudden problem?! She could feel her nails dig into the denim of her pants and her shoulders tighten as she moved her attention back to the field. [i]Breathe… breathe…[/i] She had to remind herself over and over again as she listened for his response. His mention that it would be bad luck if she didn’t obey the giant screen sent a wave of relaxation through her body and the tense feeling melted away. Oh thank goodness. Her body nearly slumped back into the seat when he said about making sure camera got his good side. Chuckling softly she gave him a nod, finally looking back at him. “Fair enough.” Before the conversation could continue the announcer said the game was about to return to play. Marian’s stress had melted away as quickly as it came and the blonde soon was energetic and bouncy as they watched the game together. Screaming, cheering at the top of her lungs with the rest of the crowd she joined in the mockery of the umpire, making faces at the other team in an attempt to distract them and all the other good things that happened the game. A few home runs went flying out in the opposite direction and soon one came flying their way. “Oh. Oh, oh!” Marian explained as the ball came their direction, “Oh it’s too high!” She said in an explanation as the ball came hurling in their direction. “Drat I’ll never be able to reach it!” She yelled over the excited crowd. Oh well, at least she was having a great time!