[center] [hider= Jace Firebrand] [img]http://darktrader.wdfiles.com/local--files/da-lumino/Pyromancer.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Jace Firebrand [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Race: [/b] Human [b]Appearance: [/b] Jace has black hair, dark blue eyes, and almost pale skin. He wears dark clothing; short sleeve shirts and jeans, preferably with a hood, but not always, and lightweight boots. He has big arms, although he doesn't really use them, and an intimidating stance and face, showing he is not to be messed with. His overall body size is not too big, standing 5'9", allowing him to be fast and agile, skills he uses often. The only time he smiles is when he is trying to persuade someone or when he's making a sarcastic comment. [b]Personality:[/b] Jace isn't really mean, but he's not exactly the kindest person you'll ever meet. He spends most of his time alone, either on the run from the guards or hiding from them. When trying to get what he wants, which is usually successful, he uses two things; his charming and/or charismatic personality first, and if that doesn't work, his intimidating words and body language. He doesn't trust people easily and always prefers to work alone. While he is quick to make decisions, years of experience allows him to usually (I said usually) make the right ones. He is prideful and sarcastic when fighting, and just sarcastic in general. Jace isn't exactly greedy, but if he sees something he wants, he has to have it, even if getting it involves a lot of risk. He's not afraid to face whatever he must to do/get something. Also, once he has a plan, he doesn't easily dismiss it. [b]Bio:[/b] Jace was born in a family of poverty and low class. He had his mother, father, two brothers, and one sister all trying to live off of money and resources meant for about three people. There was only one solution he saw for this problem; stealing it from others who had more than they needed. He turned to crime at the age of 10, just trying to help his family survive, and he was good at it too. It started with just a few apples or a loaf of bread from the market, but it quickly progressed. By the time he was 13 he was sneaking into the houses of the rich and taking any money or valuables he could find. He got caught a few times, but he was able to escape without anyone ever identifying him, even if he lost the goods. By then his family was more than staying alive, in fact, they were living good lives. At this point, Jace decided his life was good enough. He had always been pretty proficient in magic, but he never had any real studying or training on. Now he was finally able to go to the Academy. He was accepted, and went for 7 years, learning almost everything one could learn about fire and the art of pyromancy. When he was satisfied with his skills, which were then very profound, he left the academy. By this time he was old enough to live on his own, but the first place he visited was his original home- only to find that his entire family was gone. He found that his parents were both murdered and his siblings had not been found. He didn't know what to do, so he turned back to the one thing he had always known; crime. He had to have revenge. After a long time of investigating and tracking, he found the person who had killed his parents. It was a rich man in Themis, and he was never caught for the murders. Jace decided to punish the man himself. He tortured and eventually killed him. The body was found several days later, and the guards started hunting for the killer. Jace was good, but he couldn't keep himself hidden forever. He heard about the voyage, and decided it was his only chance to escape. [b]Abilities/Skills/Magic:[/b] Pyromancy: Jace is very skilled with fire, using it in both hands most of the time when fighting. He doesn't have many other abilities, but since he has focused so much on this one, it has become very powerful. Conjuration: He has some skill in summoning weaker creatures to come and fight for him, but he isn't amazing at it. He still hasn't found a creature to become his one main familiar yet. [/hider] [/center]