[h3][center]The Baratheons[/center][/h3] Lyanna Baratheon refused to enter the carriage. When someone made the notion for her to enter the bloody contraption, a glare from both she and Robyn closed that argument. Lyanna didn't do well in enclosed spaces, and if Brandon was on a horse, than she should be as well and therefore was riding with her knight, Robyn Greyjoy. The journey to King's Landing from Storm's End would take about a week of brisk riding, even with a party as big as there's. Brandon Baratheon, a solitary figure at the head the column would be riding his favorite black mare, Argo. He was dressed in full platemail, his massive greathelm decorated with a stag's horns and his greatsword strapped to his saddle. Lyanna urged her horse forward as they saw the silhouette of the Red Keep, so she was next to her brother. [color=fff79a]"Are you ready for this? Our next great adventure."[/color] Lyanna asked him, not quite able to keep the unfiltered enthusiasm from seeping in her voice. [color=fff200]"As ready as I'll ever be I suppose."[/color] Came the muffled reply, his voice thick and grave under his helmet. [color=fff79a]"Are you nervous?" [/color]Lyanna asked him. The last time Baratheons' had been in the Red Keep, they had been occupying the throne, and it hadn't gone well for them. Lyanna would rather not have a repeat of that particular turn of the Game. [color=fff200]"We aren't our ancestors. They're dead, we're here." [/color]His reply came a bit harsh, perhaps moreso then he intended, as it often did. [color=fff79a]"No, I suppose not."[/color] Lyanna agreed goodnaturally. She had never lived without her brother, so she understood him, even if others did not. Brandon let out a sigh. [color=fff200]"I suppose what I'm most concerned of is war breaking out, or losing you to things I can't fight. Things I can't see. I can't shake this feeling that only one of us will leave that city alive."[/color] His sister couldn't see it under his helmet, but her brother was grimacing at the thought. Lyanna looked sharply at her brother and his concerns, understanding his concern but wishing she could counter it. [color=fff79a]"Maybe I get married to a knight and live in the Keep and refuse to go back to Storm's End for whatever reason."[/color] She teased her brother, but she worried her voice let the joke fall flat. He snorted at that, his rational mind unable to even grasp such a prospect as anything less then humor. [color=fff200]"Right, and maybe I'll slay Daerys Targaryan and claim the Iron Throne."[/color] Lyanna laughed at that, [color=fff79a]"Well, brother, stranger things have happened."[/color] She informed him as Robyn rode up and joined them. [color=7bcdc8]"My Lord and Lady, we'll be at the Red Keep within a few hours."[/color] Robyn said and Lyanna nodded. [color=fff200]"Excellent. Prepare the herald and ensure our might is on full display as we ride through the city."[/color] Robyn nodded at Brandon before she slowed her horse for the rest of the party. Lyanna's stomach flipped again. She was nervous, more than she'd care to admit. [color=fff79a]"Would you like me to fall back as well?"[/color] She asked her brother, her voice small. [color=fff200]"No, you're a Baratheon as much as I, you'll ride alongside me, my equal."[/color] Brandon's voice was pridefull, boastfull actually as he said that. Lyanna didn't have words to that, but she was thrilled. True to Robyn's word they were there within a few hours. It was more elegant than even Lyanna had imagined. [color=ed1c24]"Announcing Lord Brandon and Lady Lyanna of House Baratheon."[/color] Their herald announced them to the gate keeper. Their party rode through the city, knights clad in plate bearing the golden banners of house Baratheon. Finally they arrived at the gates of the Red Keep. The twins and Robyn, who Lyanna insisted stay with her, were escorted to the tower that the Wards would be staying in. When they entered the common room of sorts, Lyanna stopped at the sight of the giant bear. [color=fff79a]"How...how did you fit a bear in the door?"[/color] She asked, honestly curious. Brandon, saw the bear then glanced at his sister. He put himself between them, drawing to his full height. Horned helmet and platemail readily apparent. [color=fff200]"Stay back Lya, I'll handle this beast."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Oh come off it Brandon, if no one else is attacking the bear maybe he's like Winter, a familiar."[/color] Lyanna was excited by the prospect as it reminded her also of the fact that Manasa and Reed would be joining them shortly, if they weren't already here. [color=fff200]"Or it's a magnificient beast I can wrestle with."[/color] By the sound of his muffled voice, Lyanna could quite obviously tell he was excited by the idea. Lyanna rolled her eyes but she smiled at his excitement. [color=fff79a]"We'll find something else for you to wrestle...in the meanwhile perhaps you could take the helmet off? You must be roasting in that thing."[/color] Lyanna asked him. With that, Brandon reached up and removed the might greathelm, revealing his prominent brow and steel blue eyes. [color=fff200]"Fine, but if it makes a wrong move I won't hesitate."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Nor would I ask you too. You'll have Robyn's sword with you as well."[/color] Lyanna glanced back at the Dame, who was eyeing the bear just as suspiciously.