Rune Okayed it but I'll post her first for Anubis to say anything. [hr] [center] [hider=Katherine Lindall the Puppeteer] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Katherine Lindall [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 25~ [b]Race: [/b] Human [b]Appearance: [/b] Katherine is a fairly average height woman, albeit someone slender as if she doesn’t eat too much. The bottom of her robes sometimes drags on the ground, implying it’s a little too long for her. While there is a hood on it, she typically keeps it down so she can have a full view of the surroundings. If one were to look at her hands, they would find that she wears a ring on each finger. [b]Personality:[/b] Katherine is a calm and yet power-hungry woman, influenced by her adoptive father that power is one of the only necessary things in the world, aside from food and water. She’d use most any means she could to increase her strength. Learning new spells, finding lost forgotten artifacts. Even complimenting beautiful, powerful women. That being said, she is also a rather playful person, toying with her targets like a cat would a rolly-polly it found. In a fight she would skim around and play with her target a bit, perhaps even giving them a false sense of equality before skillfully striking them down. She has a love for cute things, if her collection of dolls didn’t give a hint. [b]Bio:[/b] As a child, Katherine was abandoned and found by a man, Domnick Lindall, that lived near a graveyard. He raised her and discovered she had the makings of a great mage. He taught her powerful spells that took the souls of the dead and put them into empty vessels. In his case, he had living suits of armor. Katherine was fascinated with it, and attempted to do so to one of her dolls. She didn’t succeed the first attempt. Thus began much study and many attempts until she finally succeeded. Her father praised her, and continued to teach her spells that would assist her in the style he was pushing her towards. While they used a very similar style, it was strikingly different as well. The old man used fewer larger suits of armor while Katherine used a multitude of smaller dolls. When she started to get the hang of it, her father decided to send her to the Mage Academy. Katherine agreed with a sly smile, somewhat happy to finally be away from the Old Man. At the Academy, Katherine found herself quickly learning many things. Of the world, magic, and soon enough found the first year passed. As it would have it, she caught the eye of the Headmistress of the Academy, Livia Fiore. They developed an interesting relationship. Their focus in magic were similar and Katherine, seeing a chance to elevate her knowledge in the field and perhaps even in position, complimented the woman. Really, she would have thought it not work. Not as well as it did at least. The two became quick friends, developing into Master and Apprentice. When Katherine finally finished her study as a student, she continued her instruction under the Headmistress and took up a job as the woman’s Secretary. [b]Abilities/Skills/Magic:[/b] [i]Spirit Manipulation[/i]: Katherine can manipulate spirits and souls of the dead. This includes putting them into her dolls to power them. It also lets her directly manipulate her dolls if she’s tethered to them with her rings also allowing them to float. [i]Doll Armitization:[/i] Katherine can turn parts of her dolls’ bodies into weapons, such as their arms to spears, or even shields. It also increases the durability of the dolls. [i]Dollsplosion[/i]: This is one of Katherine’s least loved spells. It causes one of her dolls to explode into a great explosion. [/hider] [/center]