[hider=Kate] [center] [img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/991c70c502bd55577b9cee77a2f03301/tumblr_o4cumvHqC71uush51o1_1280.png[/img] Name: Katherine "Kate" Staples Appearance: Kate stands at a short 5 foot 3 and has a skinny physique. Her hair is a dark natural black and is kept short and very slightly unkempt, a stark contrast to her thin and fine eyebrows that lay just above her large dark brown eyes. Her skin is slightly pale, although she's adamant that it's "just genetics" if people mention it. Age: 17 Sex: Female Infection type: Empowered Powers: Superhuman Speed Electricity Absorption and Redistribution Personality: Kate is an apt and cunning young girl, able to use her environment to her advantage and think quickly on the spot. However, this has lead her into a few sticky situations as it has made her rather headstrong and arrogant to some extent. She can often come off as rather mean-spirited or rude to people on first meeting, but in truth she is just rather defensive and insecure, and uses this side of her personality as an output to make herself seem more confident. On the inside she is rather kind and is very loyal and defensive of her friends. Bio: Kate was born to a salary man father and a housewife mother. His father, a former convict had a great deal of impact upon Kate's life, but not in the way you'd expect a father to. He was a former convict, who was released when Kate was around 6. He was generally good for about a year, but thinks took a major turn for the worst when his old prison friends began to seep back into his life. He began to get more violent, and began abusing Kate's mother. She did her best to hide it from Kate, but things somehow got even more worse when her father began attempting to beat Kate herself. Her mother tried to stop this as best she could, but he was too strong and little Kate was left to fend for herself. Eventually the abuse got too bad to handle, and Kate was sent to live with her grandparents. After a series of childish and often cryptic explanations of the abuse, her grandparents finally got the message and reported her father to the police. This did not end will, it sent him into a major fit of rage that resulted in the murder of Kate's mother. However, he was subsequently arrested, every cloud has a silver lining, as they say. Kate began living with her grandparents after that, and since looked upon them more as parents than she ever did her actual parents. Even though her grandparents were both exceptional people, with her grandfather being a military veteran, her grandmother being a doctor and both being immigrants to a country that did not fully accept them at the time. Despite their achievements, they weren't really all that well-off money wise. A lot of the money they had saved up went towards holidays and their family during their early years of retirement. They now lived in a rather poor area, and kept a humble life. Kate was brought up under respectable values, but with little to do with her time she couldn't help getting in trouble. Her early teen years were filled with petty crimes, stealing and breaking into houses just for the fun of it and the like. Not very heroic, but peer pressure is one hell of a thing. It was around this time that she got both of her powers. Her super speed was a result of a thievery gone wrong. The owners of the money she stole had awoken, and needless to say they weren't the usual fat slobs that Kate stole from. They chased her damn near a mile, and were gaining fast. This was when her power kicked in. Without even realizing it she began rapidly increasing in speed, until she began moving quicker than the cars that used to speed by next to her. It was all due to the 'fever' she had became ill from a week previous. It was, in fact, the very fever that gave people powers. Her second power came as a [i]shock[/i] to say the least, although it also came in a much less exciting event. She was out drinking with a few of her friends after a party on her 16th birthday, and low and behold she got her jacket caught on a fence after climbing it. Since none of her friends would help the birthday girl get her jacket back, she was forced to climb back up the fence and get it. Unbeknownst to her, this was an electric fence that was hooked up to a rather jittery old generator that only supplied enough energy to power it in intervals. As she neared the top of the fence it shocked her for a moment, but that quickly subsided as the energy coursed through her body and was sent back out through her elbow of all places. It was only after seeing news of superheroes and villains on the news that the thought occurred to her that she could do the same. She bought a few pieces of equipment off of amazon, and has been doing the whole hero business for a small while now. Equipment: -Tonfa -Phone -Few thousand dollars -Satchel -Extra pair of shoes [/center] [/hider]