[b]Name:[/b] Saghira [s]Kadar[/s] the Thief [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 9 [b]Social Rank:[/b] Mix - Mother – [i]Human[/i] Middle - Father – [i]Martyaxwar (Manticore)[/i] Persian [b]Appearance:[/b] Saghira is a short but wiry child with tight, black curls, hazel eyes, and dark skin – as well as blackened claws and two rows of needle-pointed teeth. There's something decidedly feline about his physiology. He dresses in ragged, woolen pants that have been crudely cut at the knee, chest bare, and a long, navy-blue scarf, and is usually grinning about something. [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2027281644/Micah_Icon_400x400.png[/img][/center] [b]Powers: [/b]  Enhanced agility and speed  Feline & Arachnid communication / aid  Poisonous blood [b]Personality:[/b] Saghira’s bent is the chaotic one. Empirical but not learned, he picks up skills easily and rarely hones or retains them (aside the one thing he’s very good at). He’s tapped into his id – what he does, he does for instant gratification, and rarely thinks ahead. Stubborn, versatile, and fun-loving, Saghira is still young enough to be earnest and sweet-hearted, and honestly wants to help people when he can. It’s just that he gets [i]these urges.[/i] That is, he’s a bit of a kleptomaniac. He never actually keeps the things he knicks unless he can utilize them, or if they’re small enough to be transportable. He has a fondness for gambling and practical jokes. He’s aware that his name is traditionally feminine, and doesn’t appreciate it being pointed out. [b]History:[/b] The product of an affair, he was abandoned while he was still very young and has only dream-like, half-memories of the city he grew up in – some sand-blown port by the Mediterranean. His mother had been the wife of a wealthy merchant who hadn’t been pleased with the outcome of her third, rather complicated pregnancy. After his birth, she developed a vicious illness and died the winter before his third birthday. His step-father disowned him afterwards and he was left to fend for himself. While he started his criminal career with petty thefts to keep his head above the water, it has since snowballed into a long, [i]long[/i] list of problematic behavior. Aided by an inborn aptitude for stealth and perception, he’s earned himself the following charges: - Aiding & Abetting (Accessory, 1 account) - Assault (3 accounts) - Bribery (3 accounts) - Theft / Larceny (Innumerous, one incident including two horses, ~500 gold, and an Egyptian amulet of fertility). - Trespassing (See Theft / Larceny). - Vandalism (5 accounts) This is enough to garner a bounty, apparently. Saghira, having traveled most of the Fertile Crescent in his endeavors, turns north as a fugitive and stows away on a vessel to Eurasia.