[hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=30613&s=80&t=Myriah%20Targaryen&c=9FF781[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/O60Menl.png?3[/img] [color=9FF781]Interacting With: Leofric[/color] [@Nightwing95][/center] [hr][hr] Myriah had been awake since before dawn. She had woken from a nightmare, and after reassuring herself for over an hour that it was just a bad dream, she finally got out of bed. She was too scared to even try and go back to sleep. So she sat in her window wrapped in her blankets, as she watched the dark night sky slowly changed to lighter blues as the sun rose up. The morning light made the water in the bay sparkle. The only thing she could see from the window in her bedchamber was Blackwater Bay, and some rocky cliffs, but this was the view she woke up to her whole life. The chilly morning air, and salty mist from the waters outside were something that always calmed her panicked heart. She tried not to think about the nightmare, but the cawing sound of the seabirds outside her window reminded her of it. Muted colors, and eerie fog had been what made up the most of her dream. The sounds of scavenger birds, and flashes of a decomposing falcon, under a haunting full moon made up the rest. The last thing she saw before she woke up was swarms of ants, fish with razor sharp teeth, and blood red rain drops. It was early morning when her handmaidens, [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/19/7f/f4/197ff494bb1f675f9c50577ba4be8180.jpg]Roslin Hersy[/url], and [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/00/ca/01/00ca01184ec0f9a342b33427e40aba5e.jpg]Freida Myatt[/url] came inside to wake Myriah, and help her dress. [color=f49ac2]"Good morning your Highness.[/color]" they said in unison as they curtsied, and then got to work. They placed out Myriah's dress and jewels for the day. The blue dress draped over the foot of the bed, and the assortment of jewelry laid next to it. Roslin had been her handmaiden for the last five years now, and Freida has been for the last two months. The red haired woman was someone Myriah considered a friend, but in the presence of others, they both stuck to formality. [color=9FF781]"Morning already..."[/color] She said looking over to the two woman, and gently smiling. She glanced at the dress and wrinkled her nose. Maybe she should just throw it out the window, and then she wouldn't have to wear it. The princess's mother had picked out all of her children's clothing today. She had told Myriah that first impressions were extremely important, especially with the wards arriving today, and then the queen proceeded to choose the only dress in Myriah's entire wardrobe that she disliked. It was too low cut and reveling for Myriah's taste. Something she would never had bought for herself, it had been a gift for her 16th name day. She had not gained the confidence to wear it yet, but apparently that didn't matter. It suited her older sister Illysia much better. In terms of body proportions, Myriah was thin, bony, and hardly a B cup. Illysia on the other hand had a perfect body, and could pull off such slinky dresses as this. Sighing she got up from the window seat, and walked over to the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/98/50/17/98501768fee174905e6628e31401eed3.jpg]dress[/url] Roslin had laid out for her. The light blue silk had a pretty sheen to it, but that was really the only thing she could admire about it. Taking off her nightdress she stood naked as the ladies dressed her in the revealing gown. They wrapped and tied the blue silk around her waist, and She glanced at herself in the mirror across the room. Myriah frowned and quickly looked away. She had no issues with how her body looked, but this dress was not for her. Once the dress was on, she sat down at her vanity, and Freida proceeded to brush Myriah's messy black hair into less wild waves. She typically wore her hair naturally down, and let it be. But today it was [url=http://40.media.tumblr.com/6e2aebf3d1fe81963259b062a91417a5/tumblr_nhoksv6EoH1r4xouho2_1280.jpg]braided[/url] into the a popular style among the noble ladies at court. [color=f49ac2]"You should wear dresses like this more often. This silk is beautiful. Your skin looks amazing with this color."[/color] Freida said looking enviously at the dress, as she pinned Myriah's hair into fashion. Roslin rolled her eyes, and proceeded to make the bed behind them. Most people knew Myriah's preference for long sleeves and necklines that didn't reveal any cleavage. She also liked to hand embroider all her gowns, and before her mother decided to dress the family how she pleased for today, Myriah had been working on a gown for today. She had ordered some pretty blue linen, and spent quite a bit of time stitching a delicate floral [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d7/1f/33/d71f3348e35b38f1692f4b31f66e904b.jpg]pattern[/url] up the front of the skirt, and down the sleeves. The dress was now unfinished, and folded up in the trunk at the end of her bed. [color=9FF781]"Oh Freida dear, you've just reminded me. Have the gifts been laid out in each of the wards chambers?"[/color] She asked Roslin who had finished the bed and was picking out a tiara for Myriah. [color=f49ac2]"Yes the silks you and your mother chose have been left on the beds in their rooms. They are tied with the ribbons you made too. I can't believe you spent so much time making those. They are most likely going to be tossed away."[/color] Roslin said to her. [color=9FF781]"Well you know how mach I like needlework. Besides I thought they might appreciate it. Ribbons embroidered with their house colors and symbols, seemed a bit more personal then fancy dornish silk."[/color] Today was the day most of the new wards would be arriving. Messenger ravens had been sent ahead of the traveling parties to inform the king of there timely arrivals. Last night at dinner it was all her younger siblings could talk about. Prince Aenor was extremely happy that he was able to convince his father to allow the wards to bring their pets. Ever the animal lover, he was just excited to see direwolfs, bears, snake, and the like come to the castle. Little princess Shaena didn't care either way, she was much to focused on her new strand of pearls, and pretty doll her mother had bribed her with so she would behave, and her Beloved Toran had already arrived three days prior. Prince Valerion had heard the stories about some of the wards triumphs in fights and was excited to meet them, he hoped to spare with them. Now that it was daylight and it had been hours since she woke from the bad dream, she was feeling much better, and rather excited to see the new wards. Tonight's welcome feast was also something to look forward to. She really hoped nothing would go wrong today, that she wouldn't do anything crazy. Lady Freida finished fastening the silver [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b4/f5/d5/b4f5d5c529547b2fd45d93ebf24872a1.jpg]tiara[/url] to her hair. As Roslin opened the door for Ser Leofric. Myriah stood up from her vanity table, and slid on her [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/45/46/9d/45469dc4979cfa6635eb7d272263da75.jpg]ring[/url]. [color=9FF781]"Good Morning Ser Leofric. Have any of them arrived yet?"[/color] She asked brightly as she referred to the wards. She walked across the room to greet him. He had been her sworn sword for three years now, and saw him as a kind of uncle figure.