[@kusanagifire][@Cuccoruler] Hyestia watched as the oni took the punch like it didn’t hurt the impact sound of the blow echoed, this proved that this magical girl wasn’t the average little one, this magical girl was quite strong. The snake demon shifted around in the shadows observing as this fight dragged on and it seemed that greed had won the day by taking the punch and going for the all physical demonic death hug, although her eyes were closed Hissy could ‘sense’ a spear making a direct b-line to Greed’s head only to be blocked by a stuffed animal. The demon lord made herself known with an aura so intoxicatingly strong she wanted to leave as soon as she could but forced herself to stick around while greed made her little exit. The nature of the spear is what interested her more so than the face she almost sniped a strong demon, turning her attention to Nya. [color=purple][i]“Hmm the Earth child can’t resist a challenge it seems”[/i][/color] she thought to herself moving away from the scene herself just as the Lord had engaged the young one who played with things far bigger than herself, only to be protected by another child whose shield wrapped around in a protective like fashion [color=purple]“[i]This one is protective of others…I wonder what she means by ‘not again’ hmm could be loss of a loved one[/i]?”[/color] She asked herself. There were other girls here but none showed themselves like these did though there was one in particular whose eyes darted about showing that her rim cycle was off or maybe something more…. inner conflict? While Hissy toiled away trying to decode the inner workings of these magical girls Terra launched an attack on Linda. Snapping her fingers a massive magical circle appeared at the Lord’s side; when Terra attempted to make contact with the lady’s head all she struck was the very durable dome of a hydras head. The attack bounced off and but the snake didn’t seem to care to much for being punched and lunged at the little one its mouth easily large enough to swallow a school bus without a problem however, when it went to bite down it was stopped by a bubble shield. Once its powerful jaws slammed down on the bubble it popped and resulting explosion caused the snake to jump back and retreat back beyond the portal vanishing as quickly as it came, leaving Terra unharmed and unmoved. [color=purple]“Poor baby”[/color] Hissy commented Nelly flew directly behind her comrade in arms to check on her as she was the one who made the shield[color=pink] “Are you alright?”[/color] Nelly asked [color=red] “Bet we don’t get thanked and in usual tsundere fashion she says I don’t need your help f-fool”[/color] Sayrn thought, [color=pink]“Saryn, no one does that”[/color] Nelly responded panting bleeding just above her left eye from having taken the damage from the snake destroying her bubble.