[u]Papyles[/u] The bird was offering up a talon to his fallen friend and captain of the royal guard, Undyne, and Skylar seemed to be posturing quite brilliantly while talking to another. The mighty Papyrus clone went off, while—taking a hand that was held out to him by the very solidly built figure, and being hauled to his feet, his eyes shone. Standing on his two legs, heavy, for what felt like the very first time, he held up one furry finger as if lecturing, [color=coral]“Oh, thank you my cool, celebrity acquaintance…and, that is not Celes, that is Papyrus 2.0—”[/color] And then the boss monster pitched forward, faceplanting on the ground and taking a small bit of damage. Just sort of staying on the ground for a moment, quiet…well, breathing loudly like previously, eventually a loud exclamation burst forth, [color=coral]“NYEH!!!!”[/color] The boss monster’s face looked quite intense as Papyrus hauled himself up to his hands and knees, before wobbling back into a stand, both arms were held out to steady this, [color=coral]“Nyeh…heh…”[/color] Wobbling, watching his legs…wait, was he wearing clothing over this fursuit? Hmmm…these pieces of clothing seemed familiar, along with this voice, but also…how was he not sweating? Right, skeletons didn’t sweat, but it felt like this effort was causing him to sweat. But, such distractions were truly unimportant! The taller skeleton needed to get his baring and then find his best friend, Frisk! Scared of moving forward along with the rest, as he felt he’d lose balance where he still, and embarrass himself, he waved to the others wide…and nearly fell over, before attempting to use his magic on the ground just ahead of him. Bones should have shot out quite spectacularly, but instead dirt rose and then fell, much to his shock, [color=coral]“W-What is this?!”[/color]